The secret to success???

Scott Stone

New member
I know that there are a lot of contractors out there that spend the majority of their working time cruising the internet. I have even heard of soem that have said that they want to be really up on the current trends, and that is why they spend so much time on the bbs's. Others have said that they think that they are going to learn more on the Bulletin Boards, than they would leanr from actually doing the work.

Well, those of you that know me know that I don't often swear, but those excuses are all bullshit.

Here is how you are going to make a living in this business.

1. Make a list every day of things that you have to do, and get them prioritized. Sales and service are always number one and two.
2. Make a goal for yourself. For every hour you spend looking at the internet, make two sales calls. Even if they are by phone only, it is better than nothing.
3. Play with your machine. Figure out how it works, and how you can best use it. Learn how your chemicals work. Use them to clean anything that you can to learn. No matter what a CHemical salesman tells you it is wrong. You have to learn the best way to use something by your own experience.
4. Keep your equipment maintained. If you do not have work, at least be ready to work.
5. If you are goig to cruise the internet all day, look at other contractors websites, Look for other suppliers that might be cheaper, Look for future markets.
6. At the end of every day make a list again. Write it down, and make sure that the stuff from the previous day is on the list.
7. Make sure that you are on time for any appointments. I don't care what your wife needs for you to do real quick before you go to work. When you have a job, that is the number one priority for that time slot, Unless, someone is sick, bleeding or in serious life threatening danger.

There are more, but those are some of the things off of the top of my head. What can you add?

Great post, Scott.

I have one thing to add at this time........... Keep promises.

This is a note I just got in the mail with a payment.


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Scott, thanks, you actually motivated me on a day I didn't feel very motivated, I actually typed out and printed my quarterly newsletter. You also reminded me, darn, I need a sexytary:~)

bold letters

type out a sign in large bold letters that will fit in a spare picture frame and put by your should read....IS WHAT I AM DOING NOW MAKING ME MONEY.....if it is'nt and its not midnight.........GET YOUR FINGER OUT.

I wanted to ad to this, sometimes we make promises and fail. I have and you will too.

Regardless of your promise failing or not you should keep them.

I give you and example of one of my failed promises. I had a customer that I forgot about and did not get him the passes to the Phoenix open that I had and promised him. I of course realized it after it was over. I gave him passes to the course three weeks later and re-promised that if I had a chance I would make the tickets good the following year.

Bottom line is I screwed up and admitted it. I got the guy the passes this year and he was happy and appreciated that I had kept my word.

It doesn’t matter how you failed and you think the customer is lost, make the promise good. Even if you never get the businesses you did what you said, even if you failed the first time.

Scotty’s hit the nail on the head,,, be consistent with what ever you do.

Mike, it’s nice to get those. Makes you feel good.

I have learned a lot from the web, a lot how Scott says and a lot bye talking with others.

For the most part the BBS is only a tool and should be used in moderation. If you rely on it as your primary weapon you will fail.
No matter what a CHemical salesman tells you it is wrong. You have to learn the best way to use something by your own experience.

Been waiting for someone to say that.....

Only thing I can add to your post is this: Don't get complacent!! The minute you think everything's going smooth, there's nothing to worry about, you can put it on cruise control, etc., you might just get flattened!! It's happened to me.

Constantly trying to get better is pretty cool.

As for your words about learning this stuff on the Internet..That's
impossible for me to judge or criticize. I learned all I know (as limited as that may be) through trial and error, and when I finally felt comfortable with the soap, the machine, and the system of doing it, I stuck with it, and except for some bells and whistles have done it the same way for 2 decades plus.

I have my own feelings about the Internet, but I admit that if you own a computer the Internet is impossible to ignore. For me it's just a place to have fun. I like what paul-uk said.
The secret to your company something easy to remember!


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Excessive anything is no good. I mean some doctors say a glass of wine a day before a meal is good. Would drinking the whole bottle everyday be good? NO.

Moderation is the key, someone else time on the web might be another abuse time. Some shouldn’t even be here while others may spend more time and enjoy it. By no means am I justifying my time I admit I’m probably one of the biggest abusers. If someone else spent as much time as me they might have been gone long ago.

I agree with Scott time is a valuable commodity. Time should be used wisely and not wasted and too much time in front of the monitor is a waste.
To Ensure Produce

"Tend to the ROOT, not the fruit." That one is mine no copyright so claim it.

We often get lost in process, and loose sight of the result. Only one of these pays the bills.

Confusing activity with work, and some times suffer from paralysis of ANALysis.

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