The Right Way to Handling a Potential Problem?

Last Night I was out sweeping a property that I wash monthly and this center is New, it just opened in Nov and I have taken GREAT CARE in making sure the concrete sidewalks and paver's are cleaned the right way and that no SCARING or Blowing Out of Sand happens as it is New and I want this center to look new all the time. Well last night I was in sweeping this property and there was the Three Stooges in there washing in front of the Major Grocery Chain and these guys were cleaning the carts on the Paver's in front of the stores front doors :mad: so I watched them for about 20 Min's or so and they had a new guy from the looks of what was going on teaching him to wash the PAVER'S and I mean this guy had FULL PRESSURE on these paver's and sand flying all over this place that I now have to clean up tonight with my Sweeper. This kind of pissed me off BIG TIME as I have taken Great care making this center look good for the owners of the center. Now the fun part how do you handle this sort of thing, I went in and talked to the Store Manager first thing today and had him go outside with me to look at the MESS these Clowns made SAND EVERYWHERE and I do mean everywhere. I know this Store Manager from dealing with him a few times and he is a nice guy.

These Clowns and that is the Best and most Kind thing I can say about these guys had Sand and this is no Joke 9 Feet up on the walls and windows, it was on everything and everywhere, in front on the pavement on all his flower baskets that he has hanging for sale and wooden wine drums cut in half for flower planters. This PLACE WAS A MESS and the worse part is all of the sand gone from between the paver's. He looked it over with me and was very unhappy and I told him I was Scheduled to wash in there next week and do not have the Three Stooges back again, now I have to cover my butt if these paver's become loose and need resetting and he said no problem he will take care of it and was phoning and logging the event so I'm covered. It just pisses me off when these clowns coming in and give some cheap ass price and making a mess for me to deal with. I do allot of maintenance for the owners of this property because they are in California and they have no one up here yet until most of the store fronts get clients in them and with this economy in maybe a few months, this center is HIGH END and very nice in a very very nice housing area with pricey homes.

How would you have handled it and I really don't want to call the owners on this matter because the store manager is a good guy and was making the call to this outfit of Clowns and I want good relationship with this Anchor Store.

I figured I would handle it while it was freshly done and there is no mistake on who made the mess and damaged the sand holding the paver's in.
I just don't have before pics, but when you see sand 9 feet up on the walls and windows and all over the guys out door eating tables LOL he was not a happy camper at all. At least he knows that I did not Blast the sand all over.
Terry, I read your post 3 times to be sure that I understood it correctly. I think you handled it just fine the way you did. You ruffled a few birds feathers to get your point across and to get something done about it without disturbing the whole flock. Good call IMO! :)
I would have done the same thing. Good Call.

The management needs to be aware of what is going on, they are not there 24/7 and they might not see it when they come in and might only find out when an employee or customer mentions it to them and then they are wondering who did it.

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Cleaning Driveways and Sidewalks Corpus Christi Texas
The Owner pays me and they are the Property Manager too, it's a company out of Calif. I just did not know if I should let her know and stir things up a bit more. Thats what I'm not sure of because I don't want bad feelings with the store manager, we get along real good. But I also don't want problems with the Property Manager and Owners and have to repair the damage done to the paver's, mostly just redoing the sand that holds them in.

But after looking at the mess the Clowns made and now I have to clean it up I had to let the manager know about it and I think he already knew because he was now surprised when I walked into talk to him as I know he seen the mess.

Here is Something funny too, they had a Recover unit set up by a Drain or should I say the had a pump but no dam and the water was going into a Different Drain LOL WTH were they thinking I mean you can't recover water that is not going into the drain that was dry and going 40 feet away going down a different drain :eek: :D
Here is Something funny too, they had a Recover unit set up by a Drain or should I say the had a pump but no dam and the water was going into a Different Drain LOL WTH were they thinking I mean you can't recover water that is not going into the drain that was dry and going 40 feet away going down a different drain :eek: :D

Are you sure they cleaned the right building, :rolleyes: thats too funny.
Yea they were suppose to clean the shopping carts LOL thats what the store manager told me, he was wondering why they cleaned the concrete and paver's too. But being Clowns anything is possible :D and then they clean them in front of the entrance way which I have never seen done before nothing like goo in you main walk way.