The new company trucks are in


facilisales Machine
We got the new company trucks in today.
Matt really went all out this time.
They only go 30 mph so no freeway driving.
It only took me 4 hrs to get to Irvine from the office today.
I had no time for bids once I got there so i just went back to the office:D
Just think of all the gas money we're saving.

Josh - I think you made Matt nervous when you offered me that company truck.
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Can you actually fit your cleaning equipment on the back of those buggies? If so. Can we see how you have the equipment layed out
Ok Mtngoat, please tell me you didn't think they are serious!

I didn't detect any sarcasm in your post, could be wrong.

I was kidding. These trucks belonged to a maintneance dept at a government building.
I just thought they were cool.

i don't ride a moped either!

I do ride a 97 Yamaha WR400 dirtbike (in case you care).
You need something from this decade.

cgibson said:

I was kidding. These trucks belonged to a maintneance dept at a government building.
I just thought they were cool.

i don't ride a moped either!

I do ride a 97 Yamaha WR400 dirtbike (in case you care).
Maybe a 2003. We need to Ride before it gets too HOOOTTTTT.
Actually some are that close.

mtngoat said:
But, you have to be able to get there from your house first... And in the BIG CITY that could be 50 miles or so...

PS. When your kids spill 7 up on the key board, it's time for a new one and no more drinks near the computer. This happend to me but with water. A $60.00 wireless NOT LOL.
Ok Just retuned from Wally World. Have new keyboard!
10 bucks. Good deal ehh?
If you had a location in the city to work out of. I,m shure you could make those things work. You could race the meter maids.

We live in out in the woods ya see ,just me, the kids the woman the dog and me.. You get the picture. (Red Neck Cleaning Inc.)

I envy the weather you have out there.But not the megalopalis!

Oh and thanks to racer X for the advice. (PS. When your kids spill 7 up on the key board, it's time for a new one and no more drinks near the computer.) I never wood-a thunk it on me own. Hillbilly that iz. heh heh
Have to find my toothless cousins now. lol