The Knockout Game - What The!?

Wow that was great if she would have shot him it would have been better.People in this country need to victimized a lot less.More stuff like that video needs to happen.The law enforcement is there to pick up the pieces,then we pay for the lawyers and then to keep em going in prison were there are better cared for than some of our veterans that served so proudly to make this country what it is or was I should say.Cant belive that he attack a female wow.Wonder what thoughts go through someones head before they act so ignorant.Hope the lady fully recovers and carrys on her life.
Amen Guy I have shown rottweilers successfully for the past few years an you are spot on with that comment .I hear of this all the time people put down animals for misbehaving.What do we do with violent criminals taxpayers are given the duties of keeping them up.