
I have had it .. I have been working since 5:00 am and it is now 9:14pm
Nobody will tell me how much they charge to do a 1040 w/ itemized deductions.. My old tax guy from last years retired and will not return my calls.. I guess I need an Extension now... Well anyway I tried to do them myself and I can't figure out WTF .. The IRS has a damn form for everything , I wish they had a kiss my ass form because all the crap I have to fill out just to find out that I owe money... I tell you what really gripes my butt is the government wants your tax money but they don't want to give you any help on filing... I think I will say I can't figure it out and I am not paying $200 dollars to some harvard couch potato to do my taxes and make $200 bucks off of me so he can take is preppy wife buffy out to eat...

I have had it with one company I talked to friday .. they would not tell me how much it was going to cost until after they did my taxes and they wanted me to sign something saying I would pay.. What is this some kind of IRS/ CPA tax conspiracy..I am sick that my other tax guy retired hell I give him $50.00 bucks and my taxes are done.. But now I have to deal with people who are only intrested in screwing the small business owner ... and you know why because of all the damn tax forms.. Why cant it be simple like ( This is what I made, This is what I paid Out , This is my Income after deductions and here is my percent of tax money to support food stamps for the overweight and welfare for the more ablebodied to work than me.... I wasted 50 pages of junk forms and ink today and the I had a big milkshake...
Why cant I say Dear IRS, All the forms look the same , if I cant figure it out and no one will figure my taxes for a fair price you wont get paid..

Hey try this Hey customer I will clean your vent hood for a year , but before you pay me could you fill out all 20 of my forms and then send me a check and if you cant figure it out go to a individual that will charge you a fortune to do the paper work ... And if you cant pay me all at once I will just penalize and intrest your ass to death .. And by the way thank you we appreciate your payment....

Damn I am Tired.
I pay $850 for mine and consider it a bargain. If you do not want to pay the moeny use turbo tax and get it done.
I am not paying $200 dollars to some harvard couch potato to do my taxes and make $200 bucks off of me so he can take is preppy wife buffy out to eat...

Imagine if our customers said "I am not paying $200.00 to some redneck beer guzzler to clean my vent hood and make $200.00 off of me so he can take his trailer trash wife Irma out to eat..."

We stay in business because our customers are either too lazy, unable, or lack the equipment to clean their own stuff. Tax guys stay in business because they have customers who are either too lazy or too stupid to figure out the tax forms. If you're one of those, why gripe that the guy wants to get paid for doing his job?

The forms aren't that hard if you just read the directions and follow them...
I paid $250 to gey mine done. The U.S. Tax code is a joke but unfortunately the joke is on the taxpayer. Letting someone else deal with that headache for $250 was fine with me.
"Can you help me? My insurance is going to be cancelled unless you clean my hood tommorrow" They ignored you until it is almost too late. Sounds as if you are in the same boat as some of our customers. Bite the bullet, go to HR Block and get your taxes done. Then, contact other local contractors and ask who they use. Contact some of those accountants, interview them and get a feel of how they work and if you are comfortable working with them. It is just how we hope our potential customers make a decision to work with us. I always laugh when I see the posts that bitch because our cutomers choose the low-ballers, but when we do the same, it is good business practices. When you find someone you like, trust and feel charge a fair price, keep them. Ask what you need to do to make their job easier. My bookkeeper and accoutant work together so I can do what I do, fire protecion. I have had the same accountant for 20 years, we know each other and I trust him to take care of me and advise me. The money I pay him is about $700.00 yearly for my state, fed returns for the business and personal taxes. I hate to think what would happen if I did my taxes. my accountant saves me more than his fees. This year, I am getting back 4 times what I paid my accountant.

You have until April 17 to get the extension done. You do have to pay any tax liability at that time. This year, my taxes are already done. Normally, my taxes have not been done until October. No problem as long as any taxes due Uncle Sam are paid by the April 17 date.

Good luck finding a good accountant, I think they are as rare as good suppression people.
Hey. They're from the government and here to help.


I remember back in the day when I worked for people and they used to withold taxes from my check and I would get like Earned Income Credit, and Refunds ... THOSE WERE THE DAYS.... My turbo tax thing at the end says I need to pay quartly taxes.. I just cant bring myself to do it.. I just keep spending all my money on things like , hose,nozzles,wet vacs,tools,replacing stolen tools, machine maintenance, truck maintenance, TVs, Computers, My Jeep, My Van, My car, Rent, Elec, Water, Gas, Insurance,Cable, Phone, Cellphone,Tires.. I could go on forever... I buy all this stuff and I still owe money...
But hey where else in the world can you own your own business , work hard every day , spend all your money on supplies, deal directly with the public and only have to pay 500 to 1000 / year for the right to do so...