The Illuminati

I know a guy that told me how the Illuminati and the Masons control everything. President Bush is but one of their many pawns. He told me next to nothing except for what I just told you. Obviously, his statements were quite bizarre so I asked him to elaborate and he said he couldn't. I asked him where he got his information and he he told me he wasn't at liberty to divulge his sources. I asked him how I could find more about what he was saying and he told me "they" would have to contact me so I told him that was fine and for him to ask his sources to contact me. I knew the guy was an idiot and full of crap (from prior dealings with him) and of course he nor his "sources" ever contacted me with more information. Surprising.

I know another guy that knows the name of the hotel and the room number of a secret meeting between President Bush, Vice President Cheney and the big-wigs of Enron. This guy also knows the exact "split" of the money that was exchanged for the scam that was perpetrated by Enron. Amazing how this HIGHLY secret meeting and the details of it were leaked to this man. The same guy also said that President Bush has a machine in the Gulf of Mexico and can control the weather and even create hurricanes . . . what--or should I say whom--do you think caused Katrina?

Point is: there are tons of idiots out there . . . tons. They "know" all sorts of "secrets" but they cannot source any of it nor are they able to give answers for simple questions. My own Dad thinks I'm a bit of a "conspiracy theorist" (and I admit, by most people's standards I might be) but even I have my limits as to what is plausible, possible, probable and just plain absurd beyond reason.