I get it now. Priorities have to be set. 40 punks taking over a gas station with a gun is a much lower priority than unruly little women in a protest. If this doesn't prove the cowardice and complete worthlessness of todays law enforcement there is no hope of ever convincing anyone.
What does this tell us? Just a small amount of real resistance and the entire police force can be rendered impotent. When a real threat appears they run like little girls.
Maybe there is hope for this country yet if only the real Americans would stand up like these punks and say "This is OUR city, we own this". And then eliminate the need for any occupying army (police) by taking personal responsibility to keep our families and neighbors safe from punks like this as our founding fathers intended.
Police departments came about when lazy, self centered city folk, too cowardly to accept the responsibility of keeping themselves safe decided to hire that job out to criminals and thugs and pimps like Wyatt Earp.
The founding Fathers knew that a moral society can only defeat the criminal element when every good citizen shares in the responsibility. That is why there is a strong stance against standing armies. Power over the people always corrupts. ALWAYS.
And those with the power will always crave it. That is why they always lobby ti take guns away from citizens because they know the people, with power, would not stand for either of these two incidences in this thread.
The founding fathers built the greatest government this world has ever seen. And we traded it for a couch and reruns of Jersey Shore.