The Greatest Feeling in the WORLD

We Started one of our new accounts the night before, it is for a large chain and they have 7 stores here in town. We only did the Sweeping part to start, I will be pressure washing in two weeks for them, But at one store during the night the Night manager come out and talk to me and tell me How Good it looked she was raving about it so it made me fell real good about our work then we went to the other store and it was a dirty one and me and my brother started cleaning it up and I mean I had to use a shovel on about half the lot to get all the dirt in the curbs up and in the loading dock it was about 6 inches deep in sand and dirt. Well the night manager there was up on the roof Watching us Clean the whole time and I did not know it until we were finished, he came out and could not say enough great things about us and could not believe we shoveled all the dirt up and then blow it out for the finished look and then the assistant night manager came out to tell us the same thing, Man what a Great feeling. I had to go back in the morning when the main store managers from both stores got in to give them back keys I took to have copies made and the looks on both of their faces when they seen me was Fantastic, they both had smiles from ear to ear and Raved about us and they are passing the word along to the other store managers about us and took my cards to give to them. Their is nothing better then to get such Great feed back from a place I have been trying to get work from for over 9 months now and to have them say WOW I never knew my store could look like this.
I know good things are going to come from the Quality of work we do and they told me they can't wait to see the pressure washing I do for them as what they are getting now is just as bad as their sweeping was.

I say if they give you the chance to prove yourself, you better damn well make the best of it and WE DID and got WOW from it LOL I love it, NO Greater Feeling in the WORLD then so many managers so happy and spreading the word about you :D
That's how you get a good reputation and can look in the mirror at the end of the night and know that you got it honestly and the old fashioned way
Anyone who has been doing this for years knows that you are only as good as your last cleaning...This is what should be all the time without question.

Train your guy's this way so you will never have to worry if your being watched or not...Good job Terry..
Great job man! In my opinoion (sp) that is better than advertising. The word of mouth travels best.
It truly was a Great feeling to have so many Managers telling you how good of a job you are doing and How POOR the work they have been getting here in town really is. I had two of them say they were going to tell other managers from the other store about how good our work is and that in it's self is the best form of advertising you can get.