The big economic lie

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Today I caught a quick glimpse of something that just about made me throw up.

Benancke came out with his big smile on his face about how rosy the economy is looking followed by the following (on my local station) information that sounded much like a car commercial:

The economy is rebounding in Las Vegas the numbers are now out with home sales up a whopping 35% over this month last year!

Now just how stupid are we? Here, let me break it down.

Last year you did 100 house washes for $1000.00 each.

This year (because of the economy) you were forced to lower your price to $300.00 each, but you washed a WHOPPING 135 houses!!!!!

Hooray! You have increased your business by 35%!!!!

Or have you? Last year you made $100k. This year you worked harder and made $40k

Am I exaggerating? The house across the street from me sold for $165,000 last week. In 2007 it sold for at total of $604,000 (including an $80k trade)
THATS OVER 70% LOSS! That's reality, not some junk spoonfed to us by the media.

How stupid does the press and the government think we are? How many idiots sat at the dinner table tonight and absorbed that information without a second of rational thought afterwards. I'll tell you how many. The majority of them.

Is the economy going to get better? I hope so. I see signs that it might. But drooling because home sales are up when the sales prices are way down is just a downright lie.
Political mumbo jumbo, I think if we all turned off our TV set's for a year we would all be better off!!
How many idiots sat at the dinner table tonight and absorbed that information without a second of rational thought afterwards. I'll tell you how many. The majority of them.

You should too. The American government does not lie. If they say it, you can take it to the bank (you are not suppose to think for yourself, they do it fo you.)
I heard Glenn Beck say today that in Cali, they are bulldozing houses/developments because it is so over-built and the banks have accepted that they are cutting their loss by bulldozing, and trying to sell the property as land that is undeveloped.
Same thing with the gov cutting spending. The increase in spending last year (just pulling numbers) was 30%, the increase this year will only be 28%. They cut spending by 2%.
If we turn the TV off or anything else THEY WIN, staying Blind only lets them Ram thought the Crap they are doing now by TEN FOLD. I say FIGHT for what is Right and never give up or you will be eating more crap they are trying to shove down our throats.
I really encourage people to read The creature from Jekyll Island by G Edward Griffin.
It explains how banks (including the federal reserve bank) Make money out of nothing, like Tonys post about the value of a house the banks are making a complete ponzi scheme out of the economy based on PERCIVED wealth.
Scary but I think it is true.
If we turn the TV off or anything else THEY WIN, staying Blind only lets them Ram thought the Crap they are doing now by TEN FOLD. I say FIGHT for what is Right and never give up or you will be eating more crap they are trying to shove down our throats.

Careful Terry, you don't want to bet banned from the UK. :p
Eh...I haven't watched the news in years. Can't stand it. The only thing I know is that my husband lost his job last year in April from a lumber distribution company. He was not able to find a job then and there are even less jobs now in that industry. When the jobs pick back up there then I will know things are getting better.