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Should we start a PWI org??

  • Just let the other more expensive orgs deal with orgs.

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Clean County PW

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Lets make PWIan org. Make it almost free and every one on the PWI site automatically becomes an org member. Make the Logo year sensitive so every year it will cost each member another $10 bucks to renew there logo to make it PWI 2011 etc. This will be the only money generated by the PWI. It will be the cheapest and the largest org on the net. With that you can put in a president along with some BOD's so they can accomplish very little business. I would make this org wrapped into NCE. Now when Distributers see that there are 1000+ members just in this org alone and these members aren't paying much of anything these distributers will be willing to pay top dollar for an NCE Booth because of the amount of contractors that can go to that even in SC because they didnt have to spend any real money to be a PWI member. This is what I was discussing on the closed part of this site but I would like others to chime in.

This is from the experience I am getting with being on the inside with some of these orgs. Hey they all have there place. I'm starting to dig the PWNA again but a truly large org needs to be just about a free org that grows like crazy because its just about free and to leave the Contractors with there own money in there pocket it gives them more of a chance to go to an NCE trade show and the disrtibuters who notoriously have the money will be very willing to pay a few thousand dollars for a booth that hundreds will visit instead of the 10-15 or so contractors at most of these events. This is my Dream. The strength in these orgs is in the numbers first. And to do that you need the largest base which is contractors to come in as cheap as possible so they can spend there money on going to an event and even buy from the distributors at the event. Its a win win across the board. You can even rap in certified training classes in all of this amongst many many other things. I can go on and I wouldn't even mind being the first President of this org free of charge if I could take Rob Huffman as my VP. We have so much to offer and to be honest there isnt much work that we would have to do. Think about that. With a business plan like this and with this Powerwfull bb involved its just waiting to explode with a national and soon to be a word wide org. Its all in the plan. Just think about it and take the poll..Thankyou
Please, stop this insanity. An org is the worst thing for any business. Why do you persist in trying to create or join one in which you are in charge. Please let it go. You had the oportunity to try to halt the great evil and let it disappear by dragging it out forever and then trying to get back in bed with them. I love PWI, but I think it is time to let this dream of your go away for the betterment of all.
Please, stop this insanity. An org is the worst thing for any business. Why do you persist in trying to create or join one in which you are in charge. Please let it go. You had the oportunity to try to halt the great evil and let it disappear by dragging it out forever and then trying to get back in bed with them. I love PWI, but I think it is time to let this dream of your go away for the betterment of all.

William is right - This forum is good, let it remain good.
I do believe we have enough PW orgs out there. I am not a member of any of them yet. I am still researching the feasability of joining one. I may not even jopin one at all. Who knows? However, I also believe PWI is already our own unique organization without the power struggles and other problems the other orgs have that I have been hearing a lot lately. I would definitely be more than happy to send Ron a check to help offset the expenses of running PWI.
Let's just keep on doing what we're doing - NETWORKING. Nothing formal, nothing fancy - something that falls under "if it ain't broke - don't fix it".
John John John John Stop already!:slap:
anti org. here its more like a country club than a place to get work out of. dont need em
Let me get this straight.... You want to charge equipment distributors top dollar to attend right? What happens to your prices when your costs go up? You want to charge them more to attend so they can pass on the costs to you in equipment prices right? They have to make up for it somewhere. Sticking it to a distributor is NOT the way to go. I would hazard to guess that contractors get more out of these meetings than distributors do, with all the increased knowledge that helps increase your bottom line. This is reoccurring as a sale of a wand or a hose is not going to make it for these guys. How often do you buy a major piece of equipment? Not very often would be my guess where as the knowledge gained is used every day to make money.

Really man change the respirator cartridges.
Let me get this straight.... You want to charge equipment distributors top dollar to attend right? What happens to your prices when your costs go up? You want to charge them more to attend so they can pass on the costs to you in equipment prices right? They have to make up for it somewhere. Sticking it to a distributor is NOT the way to go. I would hazard to guess that contractors get more out of these meetings than distributors do, with all the increased knowledge that helps increase your bottom line. This is reoccurring as a sale of a wand or a hose is not going to make it for these guys. How often do you buy a major piece of equipment? Not very often would be my guess where as the knowledge gained is used every day to make money.

Really man change the respirator cartridges.

Pat it works like this.
If you ever go to a convention lets say like the NPA National Parking assocciation there booth cost around $4000. Why is that?? Because there are many NPA and non NPA members that go so the Vendor stands to do one heck of a job on selling there. IF you do a Convention where the contractors are so tapped out because of $400 memberships and $300 to get into the yearly event and then factor some other cost that at an easy $1000 spent before they ever got to the Convention floor where all the distributors are and when this happens you only see maybe 80 different contracting companies that can visit 20 different Distributors booths. This is the point I'm making. It does not work good enough. I should know because I've been to 4 Powerwashing Conventions that run on this principle. It hurts the Distributors and also hurts the contractors because as I always said the Power with these orgs is in the PEOPLE NUMBERS. Get 2000 people to go to the end of the year show without counting the Distributors and the Distributors would be more then happy to pay lets say $2000/booth because of the people number. Basically its a numbers game. And the more people that are involved the more this org gets noticed nationwide and then Canada and beyond. Also we these higher numbers the distributors will make alot more sells to justify there cost and the contractor will have alot more choices from the distributors because so many more distributors will want to be here because of the people volume. This is the point and its not the point to get the equipment cheaper from the distributor who may now I say may be so inclind to maybe give a 10% discount at a show like this because of all the sales they can make and with the money you saved not spending much to go to this event or even being an org member then you also have more to spend on the much needed equipment that you may need. This is the win win and it can be done. The org. can make the money mostly from the distributor because of the large sales they will make and this money will offset the contractors cost all thru-out. It sounds complicated but it really isnt. Fast example get 50 distributors at lets say $2000 for a both and thats a hundred grand there. The hotel block would fill up in just days so now the rooms are much cheaper because of the size of the block you can garantee. So since the Contractor pays for there rooms and there food there is no extra money for the org. to have to worry about spending because they'll get the hall for FREE because of all the people there bringing in. The org will also get alot of freebee's because of the mass amount of people that will show up. So at the very least this org nets $100,000 at this show. Then you build from there.

Look at some of the Pool orgs. There booths run about $5000 apiece and they sell around 500 of them at there yearly show in AC. Thats $2.500,000 most likley profit and man are they powerful.

Want to go way above that....look at the NRA(Nation Rifle association) now your talking about money and power why???? because they have the people and alot of them. (Using that for an example only)

I say PWI only because its a hot BB. But it could be done with any new bb....BUT and this is a big BUT it would take years to build up a bb with a following like PWI or a TGS has so that is why I bring names like that into the picture.

This is what makes sense to me. The PWNA and the UAMCC have a great message but they don't seem to know how to bring in mass quantities of contractors and look at the facts...the PWNA had as many as 500 members and now there down to 75 at best an thats over a 17 yr period. The UAMCC yes they had a great start with 161 members in 8 months but they hit a major snag there(Will not go there) and its most likely going to hurt them to the point where there membership totals are going to slow down big time.

I'm only conveying from what I learned from being involved and just because I see it like this it doesnt neccessarily make it right.

Here's one the biggest Convention I went to last year was the Cabots Convention where we got free entry tickets and also a free buffet meal and also two free drinks at the bar at the Convention hall. There had to be 2000 people there for this one day event. We also got free T-shirts and 5 gallon buckets. Because of all this I bought $2000+ in cabots stain at a 25% discount only offered there. This was a huge hit and it was held at the Marriot.

To Carry this over this is why I pushed for the idea on having a bar right into the UAMCC Convention hall so we can all share a drink and talk shop with each other and the distributors who also had the right to 1 free drink. This to me was a nice seller but it would have been better to have it a 2 free drinks with the rest being an open bar. Make it like a social event where people make friends and people can also sell sell sell. This was my idea at that UAMCC Convention that was passed.

So I try. SOme of my idea's are unorthodox and most are what I've seen at other conventions that work so that is what I try to do to help this industry and for doing that and I have offended some please except my apologies in advance. A quick note here anyone could be the President or VP because there wont be that much to do compared to the other orgs so I just threw my name out there to help. There are at least 50 guys right here who can run this org with little to no porblems.

The Intervention that I think I need that Celeste is talking about is to Kidnap me off of my other job because there I have it so good I can't throw myself out even though I tried a couple of times and when I do they drag me back in.:shrug:

All I ask is for all to read and be honest in your assessment. Tell me why when an org. could be just about free and also have a potential following as to why you still think that sucks. Besides hating orgs(Where's William:) why does this not make sense??
People tried to get me to do this with TGS too. In fact, Carlos tried to get me to do it with TGS before UAMCC became UAMCC.

I'll say now what I said then. Nope. Leave the BBS's alone, let them be what they are, the purpose they serve is a necessary one and fill a void as it is.

Pat it works like this.
If you ever go to a convention lets say like the NPA National Parking assocciation there booth cost around $4000. Why is that?? Because there are many NPA and non NPA members that go so the Vendor stands to do one heck of a job on selling there. IF you do a Convention where the contractors are so tapped out because of $400 memberships and $300 to get into the yearly event and then factor some other cost that at an easy $1000 spent before they ever got to the Convention floor where all the distributors are and when this happens you only see maybe 80 different contracting companies that can visit 20 different Distributors booths. This is the point I'm making. It does not work good enough. I should know because I've been to 4 Powerwashing Conventions that run on this principle. It hurts the Distributors and also hurts the contractors because as I always said the Power with these orgs is in the PEOPLE NUMBERS. Get 2000 people to go to the end of the year show without counting the Distributors and the Distributors would be more then happy to pay lets say $2000/booth because of the people number. Basically its a numbers game. And the more people that are involved the more this org gets noticed nationwide and then Canada and beyond. Also we these higher numbers the distributors will make alot more sells to justify there cost and the contractor will have alot more choices from the distributors because so many more distributors will want to be here because of the people volume. This is the point and its not the point to get the equipment cheaper from the distributor who may now I say may be so inclind to maybe give a 10% discount at a show like this because of all the sales they can make and with the money you saved not spending much to go to this event or even being an org member then you also have more to spend on the much needed equipment that you may need. This is the win win and it can be done. The org. can make the money mostly from the distributor because of the large sales they will make and this money will offset the contractors cost all thru-out. It sounds complicated but it really isnt. Fast example get 50 distributors at lets say $2000 for a both and thats a hundred grand there. The hotel block would fill up in just days so now the rooms are much cheaper because of the size of the block you can garantee. So since the Contractor pays for there rooms and there food there is no extra money for the org. to have to worry about spending because they'll get the hall for FREE because of all the people there bringing in. The org will also get alot of freebee's because of the mass amount of people that will show up. So at the very least this org nets $100,000 at this show. Then you build from there.

Look at some of the Pool orgs. There booths run about $5000 apiece and they sell around 500 of them at there yearly show in AC. Thats $2.500,000 most likley profit and man are they powerful.

Want to go way above that....look at the NRA(Nation Rifle association) now your talking about money and power why???? because they have the people and alot of them. (Using that for an example only)

I say PWI only because its a hot BB. But it could be done with any new bb....BUT and this is a big BUT it would take years to build up a bb with a following like PWI or a TGS has so that is why I bring names like that into the picture.

This is what makes sense to me. The PWNA and the UAMCC have a great message but they don't seem to know how to bring in mass quantities of contractors and look at the facts...the PWNA had as many as 500 members and now there down to 75 at best an thats over a 17 yr period. The UAMCC yes they had a great start with 161 members in 8 months but they hit a major snag there(Will not go there) and its most likely going to hurt them to the point where there membership totals are going to slow down big time.

I'm only conveying from what I learned from being involved and just because I see it like this it doesnt neccessarily make it right.

Here's one the biggest Convention I went to last year was the Cabots Convention where we got free entry tickets and also a free buffet meal and also two free drinks at the bar at the Convention hall. There had to be 2000 people there for this one day event. We also got free T-shirts and 5 gallon buckets. Because of all this I bought $2000+ in cabots stain at a 25% discount only offered there. This was a huge hit and it was held at the Marriot.

To Carry this over this is why I pushed for the idea on having a bar right into the UAMCC Convention hall so we can all share a drink and talk shop with each other and the distributors who also had the right to 1 free drink. This to me was a nice seller but it would have been better to have it a 2 free drinks with the rest being an open bar. Make it like a social event where people make friends and people can also sell sell sell. This was my idea at that UAMCC Convention that was passed.

So I try. SOme of my idea's are unorthodox and most are what I've seen at other conventions that work so that is what I try to do to help this industry and for doing that and I have offended some please except my apologies in advance. A quick note here anyone could be the President or VP because there wont be that much to do compared to the other orgs so I just threw my name out there to help. There are at least 50 guys right here who can run this org with little to no porblems.

The Intervention that I think I need that Celeste is talking about is to Kidnap me off of my other job because there I have it so good I can't throw myself out even though I tried a couple of times and when I do they drag me back in.:shrug:

All I ask is for all to read and be honest in your assessment. Tell me why when an org. could be just about free and also have a potential following as to why you still think that sucks. Besides hating orgs(Where's William:) why does this not make sense??

Did you vote for Obama? Everything you have decribed basically equals re-distribution of wealth. Stick it to who you "Think" has the money so that others you "Think" have little can benefit. The low numbers in membership in Orgs has more to do with attitude/mind set than ability to afford dues. Even with 2000 pwi members, still only a fraction make it to Round Tables/Conventions that are basically FREE even with the lure of winning FREE stuff. Most know that there is no such thing as free, and as such, don't bother with attending.

Let the Org's that are in place do thier thing. The nay-sayers said it would fail as long as the "shady people were in charge" so it changed and now we'll see if more BS can be found to attack it or if it will be left alone and see if the new folks can make things happen.

John, just let it be. It just seems to more and more that you just want to be involved in SOMETHING. That's OK. But if nobody wants your help, you gotta go out on your own and do it yourself.
Were not changing SH*T, this works!! We are a bunch of different minded hard heads with our own views on things, but we always work thru it !!
But then we would have to find a different bb to bitch about this bb/org. haha, jk
I take offense to the 10% suggestion, "just because" :victory:
Did you vote for Obama? Everything you have decribed basically equals re-distribution of wealth. Stick it to who you "Think" has the money so that others you "Think" have little can benefit. The low numbers in membership in Orgs has more to do with attitude/mind set than ability to afford dues. Even with 2000 pwi members, still only a fraction make it to Round Tables/Conventions that are basically FREE even with the lure of winning FREE stuff. Most know that there is no such thing as free, and as such, don't bother with attending.

Let the Org's that are in place do thier thing. The nay-sayers said it would fail as long as the "shady people were in charge" so it changed and now we'll see if more BS can be found to attack it or if it will be left alone and see if the new folks can make things happen.

John, just let it be. It just seems to more and more that you just want to be involved in SOMETHING. That's OK. But if nobody wants your help, you gotta go out on your own and do it yourself.

Hey Mike if I voted for Obama you would be the first guy I would tell to shoot me. I don't believe in Socialism and never had and never will. McCain should have won since he won about twice as many states that covered much more American soil but he lost the Electorial count and thats all that matters. What comes around goes around. Al Gore won the people vote in 00 but lost the electorial Votes so I won't cry over spilt Milk because my Guy George Bush won it the Ying and the Yang theory lives on:)
I never meant the 2000 people all coming from PWI...I was just using PWI for an example and yes I enjoy the heck out of "Being Involved" I like the process and enjoy the work. I'm just trying to decide this year who should I get involved in as to which org. UAMCC is out of course because in the end we all found out the story there so there out for me. The PWNA...hmmmm maybe. Yes I had a Conflict there because I thought the President of the org should not also own the Training schools due to a conflict of interest. I think I made that clear and in the end of the day he resigned and I got rewarded in finishing my term.

The NPA org or maybe even BOMA I may get involved in if I can find the time and also have the right crews out where I never have to go to the Job sites so I can concentrate on these orgs.

Your last line about since nobody wants to help me I have to go out and do it myself is interesting. I'll have to take it that I am wrong about what I think an org. should be like in this industry because my above Poll is telling me so. I personally like my idea but most others don't so its time to move away from that creative idea and look for others that will work best for my company. So thats what I am going to do. Good luck to you with any org. that you work with cause you do know your stuff.