The April eClean Magazine (formerly Pressure Cleaning Contractor) is now online

Why the name change?
The new eClean Magazine, formerly Pressure Cleaning Contractor, is now online ready to view. (Note that it takes a few seconds to load.)

Visit our new website:
Hey Allison I think it's a brilliant idea in what your doing. In an odd way this reminds me of the way free TV use to be. The money was made from the ones who can benefit the most... the advertisers. Now as your list grows more and more contractors can get your e-mag for free. A dream for great stories that can reach the masses and also great for advertisers who can also reach the masses. Brilliant with a big thumbs up.

Quick question.. Is there a benefit for a contractor who only sells a service to advertise in your E-mag?

Once again great job!!
Thanks John!
(FYI: I can't get the "reply with quote part to work")
If you mean a contractor selling services to end users, I'd say we are not the right place to advertise. We are not going to the customers of contractors. However, if anyone ever wants to post an article from the magazine on their site for customers to read, they just need to notify me and I'll get them a copy. (We'd appreciate a link back to our site as well.)