Thank you!!!

Doug Rucker

Roundtable Host 2009
This being Thanksgiving and all I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU too guy's like Larry Millette, Scott Stone, Tony Shelton, Russ Johnson, Paul Kassander, Craig Harrison and I know I am leaving some out but I wanted thank all you guy's that have helped me through text messaging and phone calls, emails etc anytime I have a question throughout the year. You have been a huge help and I appreciate each and everyone of you.

RON MUSGRAVES-you are the man, Thank you for the countless hours you spend on the phone w me and your visits here to Houston. You have been an invaluable resource for me and I appreciate your FREELY giving me your time, knowledge and experience. Thanks also for your patience in the time it takes me to sometimes get it. I and my family appreciate your friendship more than you'll ever know.
Doug I would like to thank everyone on PWI for helping me and letting me learn from reading what they have done,and I have met a lot of great people on here.And I hope yall have a GREAT Thanksgiving,we like to complain but till you go and see how so many people in other parts of this world live,we are a Blessed nation!
Its Been Great Doug, nothing one sided. Your friendship has been great too. Working together I have grown, being a successful business man isn't everything Doug. I have Watched and learned from you a ton, life's lessons. I'm proud to call you my Friend, your success in your life , god and your family Radiates from you. Looking forward to hanging out for a long while.
This being Thanksgiving and all I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU too guy's like Larry Millette, Scott Stone, Tony Shelton, Russ Johnson, Paul Kassander, Craig Harrison and I know I am leaving some out but I wanted thank all you guy's that have helped me through text messaging and phone calls, emails etc anytime I have a question throughout the year. You have been a huge help and I appreciate each and everyone of you.

RON MUSGRAVES-you are the man, Thank you for the countless hours you spend on the phone w me and your visits here to Houston. You have been an invaluable resource for me and I appreciate your FREELY giving me your time, knowledge and experience. Thanks also for your patience in the time it takes me to sometimes get it. I and my family appreciate your friendship more than you'll ever know.
Back at you Doug. You have done a lot to help me with my business as well..and Ron, Tony, Russ, Craig, Scott. Big thanks to all of you who have helped to shape the directon of my business.