Thank You Russ

DO share!!!! I get overlap maks from time to time too! :confused:
..;) ..

Any time, Kory.
You should have gone to PHX. They had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
well what the hell was it..
It was in lakeland!
I know Kory. I'm actually sorry I didn't go. I did however watch it on line with some of te other guys, Remember? I won the delevan that was given away by Bob......................................Which I ended up blowing up! :eek:
You should have gone to PHX. They had to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

LOL you guys are funny. No non disclosure agreement. But everyone did have to sell their souls to Ron. LOL LOL LOL

You all should go next year Scott & Ron put on a good RT, thats what its all about. Lisa loved PHX we are taking the kids next year if the date falls right
LOL you guys are funny. No non disclosure agreement. But everyone did have to sell their souls to Ron. LOL LOL LOL

I was joking, but non-disclosures might be a good idea.