Thank you PWI Posters!


This is to all of you nay sayers, newbies, and guys who are not making money! Two years ago I was barely making enough money to pay bills and put food on the table. I ran up credit cards and put myself into debt. I was determined to make pressure washing work but my wife wanted me to find another job till the money started rolling in. I was by no means sitting around waiting for the phone to ring. I was doing what ever it took to make a buck lawns, repairs, working for other pressure cleaning companies. I start looking at BBS in 2006 The first I went to was the old Delco board. There was more bickering than actual knowledge and shareing going on. I found PWI through Delco and WOW I don’t think I left my computer for a month except to sleep and do the few jobs that came in. PWI has had so much to offer. The knowledge and help I received on this board has helped me not only stay in business, but jump years ahead of where I would have been had I not found this site. I used the information on this site to grow in volume and have the ability to do jobs I could not do before.

Then came the round tables, my first was the one I hosted in June of 08. I have been to many more since then and learned a TON of info and made some great contacts. I encourage you to attend these events they are priceless and cost nearly nothing to attend. If there is not one in your area host one! It took me going to 3-4 to start to really listen and implement the things I was hearing into my business. On a side note, not everything will work for you, you will have to pick and choose what fits you and your business model. Or maybe you need to change your model to get the results you desire. In the last 9 months I have grown my business to the point that this year I will have sold more business than the previous 4 years combined. I would like to thank all of you veterans on this board for helping me on this journey! Its funny I used to look at a goal of 5k a month, I have not seen less than 16k a month in over 6 months Im not pulling a Jim here and bragging I am just letting you know that you can do it, it take a lot of hard work but it can be done just listen to the wise men & women around here. And you old goats that are in a rut talk to and network with the young guns they may light a fire under your but!

I’m shootin for Russ money now! Only I’m staying close to home.
Great post Kory! Thank you for sharing that.

I am in a similar situation but with the help of Ron, PWI, NCE, the Round Tables and the great people here, I got a contract that originally I did not want but I decided that it would be a huge jump for my business and I got awarded the contract last week!

All this time I have spent on the bbs reading, posting, learning, calling and attending the Round Tables has really started to pay off!

Next year I will give more details to the story, very similar to yours but too soon to talk, I don't want to jinx a good thing.

I am very glad you posted that Kory! Thank You.
Congrats ! Glad to hear you are doing good. Hope to build my business up to be that successful. Good luck and keep up the good work. :thumbup2:
Kick into overdrive

One of my favorite radio hosts about a year ago was talking about trying your best and working as hard as you can possibly work. Or so you think...
Bear with me -- the linebacker and the teams I remember, but the quotes and the running back I don't recall.
A couple of years ago when the Colts crushed the bears in the Super Bowl, the Bears played the Saints in NFC Championship. The Saints were ahead, perhaps by only a little bit, when one of New Orleans' backs broke free for a long run about halfway thru the game. That back scored a touchdown to further increase the Saints lead.
Keep in mind now, here are NFL players, the best in the country, and the best players on one the four best teams left in the NFL playoffs, playing on the biggest stage. You would think that after all of that organized football, pee-wee to middle-school and JV to Varsity, to Division I college to playing in the final four of the NFL playoffs, that these guys could give no more than they were possibly were giving.
These guys are jacked, psyched-up, motivated and driven and ready to hit hard and run fast and play the game of their lives up until that point. Remember, neither team had been to the Super Bowl -- let alone NFC Championship -- in many years.
So back to the running back. Whether it was McAllister or Bush or whomever, that running back broke free and the only defender within ten yards of his breakaway run was all-nfl linebacker Brian Urlacher, latest in a long line of dominating Bear middle linebackers. The Saints back taunted Urlacher when he was a few yards of the end zone, extending his arm and his hand holding the football toward Urlacher, who was chasing him in vain.
The Saints back scored, but, obviously, the Bears came back to win the game and advance to the Super Bowl.
When asked about the play after the game, Urlacher replied that he was so pissed, so mad, so vengeful towards the Saints player, he used that motivation and rallied his teammates to a win.
So here are these pro football players, the best of the best, playing in the biggest game of their lives. You'd think they were trying their best to win, right?
It took that jackass Saints player doing a jackass move to further rally the Bears, to give them the extra edge they needed to outplay the Saints.
Moral of the story is, just because you're the best at what you do, playing well against the best in the league, playing in the biggest game and playing what you think is your BEST game, you can always do better. Jump higher, run faster, play harder.
Go Kentucky Wildcats.
I'm too old and tired for all that :lazy2:....LMAO

OK,,,Ok,,,good post Kory! :thumbup2:
What old goat are you talking about? If its me then I would tell you that no doubt I lost alot of Commercial accounts, but in no way have I stopped putting out my company name. The only difference between me and you is that when I was slammed busy and doing $50,000 a month I didnt even no there was a BB.

But i can go back to the year before last that i gave you $30,000 in work and i also let you work with me on many other jobs. Dont take this wrong Kory I like you and I would help you or anyone else that needed it, but never feel bad for me I moved down here to FL to retire but started a buisness again that no one really heard of called Mobile Contract Cleaning I surely didnt invent it but I was among a group of guy's that did.

I am not blowing my own horn here either, but if you are talking about me as the old guy in the rut, dont feel bad for me just call me as i have done since you met me and Network some of them thousands over this way. Honestly I dont expect it, i gave you what i did because i liked you and wanted to help you out.

I have been busy also and have won quite a few large bids over the last few months, but if im slow, then it's more time for boating no sweat. So if were putting it out there and telling everyone how much we have gained from this site, I would have to say that I have made more friends from this bb than anything else, most of what i have done to get buisness is what i have always done before comming here.

I hope this dosent sound like I am a no it all because I am not, I have learned things here as alot of us have, but I dont want you to think for a minute that I am sitting home eating donuts waiting for the phone to ring, this is a different time were in and it's harder now than it was in the past, I basically had no competition but everyone is a P/W now or a roof cleaner in this state. I will always do well Kory not to worry been in buisness for myself since im 20 yrs old. I might be old but never count me out, so what have you got for me young gun!!
Nick I appologize I know I have called you an old goat in the past. However this post was in no way directed at you! Nick I dont feel bad for you nor would I ever. I cant wait for the day to be in your position making 50k a month and having time to go out on a boat and relax. The point of my post was to thank you and the rest of the PWI guys that have helped me and to tell other that may be down and out to keep on keepin on and listen to guys like you! Pull your panties out of your wedge!
The boards have undoubtedly accelerated my learning curve - but the most valuable info has come from direct conversation with the likes of Ron, Greg, Nick, Kory, Russ, Lonnie and the many others I've come into contact with. I would probably have still headed in the same direction without the boards and I am a LONG way from where I am taking this side of my business.

Kory, congratulations on the success... Keep the momentum going!!
And you old goats that are in a rut talk to and network with the young guns they may light a fire under your but!

So who are these guy's your talking about ? Who is in a RUT? Let us know so we can help them out maybe throw them some work !! Or light a fire under their butt!!
And you old goats that are in a rut talk to and network with the young guns they may light a fire under your but!

So who are these guy's your talking about ? Who is in a RUT? Let us know so we can help them out maybe throw them some work !! Or light a fire under their but!!

And he better not be talking about me because I'll choke him with his own panties. :stop:
I was not directing that post at any one person thats why it said nay sayers, newbies and guys who are not making money. I dont see Tony up in arms cause it said nay sayers. The post was once again to encourage and be thankfull! Ron likes to talk to the young bucks he has told me he has gotten ideas and learned things from some of the newbies here. Drink some koolaide and relax Nick it's not about you, I'm sorry you think it is.
I was not directing that post at any one person thats why it said nay sayers, newbies and guys who are not making money. I dont see Tony up in arms cause it said nay sayers. The post was once again to encourage and be thankfull! Ron likes to talk to the young bucks he has told me he has gotten ideas and learned things from some of the newbies here. Drink some koolaide and relax Nick it's not about you, I'm sorry you think it is.

I lobe Nick, he gotta stay away!!!
And he better not be talking about me because I'll choke him with his own panties. :stop:

He's not talking about you RON. I could care less honestly. The only thing I am guilty of here is Helping before they asked me for it, and sharing any knowlege I had to offer.

I know that Kory is a good guy but what I dont care for is gloating, then making a comment about some old guy's who should be Networking with the Young Guns whatever the hell that means.

If like he said was true, that guy's should keep listening to guy's like me and I'm an OlD Goat It dont make any sense, because the Young Gun's is where it's at. F**K this Im going to bed so I can get enough sleep I'm to OLD for this kinda work!:kma:
I tryed calling you nick but it went straight to voicemail no use in bickering on here!

My phone gets turned off at 10pm, so call me tomorrow. I am not bickering Kory just want to know who that was directed towards. Im going to bed got to get up early.
My phone gets turned off at 10pm, so call me tomorrow. I am not bickering Kory just want to know who that was directed towards. Im going to bed got to get up early.

You old goats are so set in your ways. Is this what I have to look forward to in 2 yrs? Hahahaha! :big_boss:
My phone gets turned off at 10pm, so call me tomorrow. I am not bickering Kory just want to know who that was directed towards. Im going to bed got to get up early.

Don't forget your Geritol pops :thank_you2:

Nick don't feel bad we all get kicked in the sack by guys we have helped.The one thing they forget is we may have taught them something they know,but never teach them everything we know.
I made negative money last week,but it was one of the best weeks of the year.My father-in-law survived a major stroke(initially the docs said it was a small stroke at least until they got his CT scans back) with zero complications.Being there for my wife and her mom was worth evey penny,nickle,dime,quarter and dollar I lost.