Thank You Google!

Thanks Mike :)
No one knows the Google Algorythym, although some claim to.
I think it partially has to do with web hits.
IOW, all things being equal, the site with more hits wins.
I can't hope to match the commercial sites, in that regard.
Being number one is nice, but matters little in what counts, your local ranking.

What IS nice is this, by simply adding some keywords, I can be number one in most any local market I choose.

Lets SAY I want to target or expand into the Orlando, FL Market ?
All I need do is load up on some more Keywords, and I am on the first page of the search results!

Since I am linked to my experts forum on PWI, this helps PWI overall, and especially the roof experts forum.
If you chek, it has the highest page rank of the expert forums.

This link also helps me!
It make me look like an authority site in Google's eyes.
A Win Win situation for all, and those sites linked to me.
Excellent Chris!!

You should be #1 though, Roof Reviver is nothing compared to your mix.

I wonder how they got that high of a ranking. They probably paid google a fortune.
Yes, all that advertising !!!
thanks chris im #2 on maps
See Kory, I TOLD ya so :)
Just a WORD changed can make ALL the difference, glad you be up there, next to me.
Now KWIT lou ballin :D