Texas see a million dollar operation!!!!!!!

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
YouTube - Steamaway M Hinderliter

Hinderliter-Contractors Helping Contractors in a large way.

Mike Hinderliter has stepped up to the industry many times.

In my search to be a million dollar contractor I have learned one thing in common.

We all agree that further education to our brothers raises the standard in the industry and does not hurt the very industry that feeds our families.

This is a lie that some try to spread; recently I helped a contractor in Texas get and account that will change his life. (It felt good to help my fellow man and my fellow brother.)
Know that when someone tells you that helping new contractors is bad just remember guys like Mike Hinderliter that has all there life helped the industry and they make millions.

Thanks Mike for opening your working facility up for all to see.

Mike will have his facility running during the Texas roundtable meeting.
That is great Ron, Thanks again.