

<DIV STYLE="filter: glow (color=blue,Strength=8);width:540";><font size="7" face="arial" color="ff0000"><b>Just checking if it works</b></font></DIV>
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<DIV STYLE="filter: dropshadow (color=#8b008b,offX=3,offY=3);width:540;"><font size="7" face="arial" color="#ff69b4"><b>Still checking,,Ha,,,Me,ME,ME</b></font></DIV.
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<DIV STYLE="filter:wave (strength=3,ligthstrength=30);width:540";><Marquee><b><font size="8" face="arial" color=green> did it work,,,me,me,me,me,me</b></font></marquee></DIV>
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<DIV STYLE="filter:Shadow (color=#ffff00,direction=45);width:540; color=#000000;"><font size="7" face="arial" color="ff0000"><b>One more time,me,me,me,me</b></font></DIV>
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<DIV STYLE= "filter:blur (strength=50);width:540";><Font size="7" face="arial" color="ff0000"><marquee><b>Some Do Some Don't</b></font></marquee></DIV>
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<DIV STYLE="filter:Shadow (color=green,direction=45);width:340;color:#000000;"><b><Marquee ><font size="5"color=red>Hmmmmmmmmmm,,its raining here</b></f></marquee></DIV>
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<DIV STYLE="filter:dropshadow (color=yellow,offX=3,offY=3);width:540;"><font size="4" face="arail"color=green><b>Hey luckyboy,how you like my new play pretties.Guess I better stop before playing before lighten hits my pc,its streaking and flashing pretty good right now.</b></f></DIV>
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<DIV STYLE="filter=wave (strength=2,lightstrength=20);width:540";><b><font size="5"color=green>had to try this one again,,,to see how it does,,hope it does many way.</b></f></DIV>
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Hey Bigboy, you is making me feel DRUNK and I only been drunk once in my life, way back around 1958 or so.

Yeah I like your new toys but man I can't spare a dime, what can I get for a wooden nickle?

Send some of dat rain here, still pushing 100° daily but should be a bit cooler for next few days, I hope.
I dream of 100 Degree days. We are getting closer though.
<b><BODY BGCOLOR=Blue><Font color=green>Its cooling off here,we're going into the Fall of the year.Things are changing colors now,trees,grass,weeds,ect. but dang that means WINTER is just around the corner.</b></f></body>
<DIV STYLE="filter:Shadow (color=yellow,direction=85);width:340;color:# ff0000;"><b><Marquee ><font size="5"color= blue >