Telephone To Modem

Thunder Storms In Florida

With all the thunder storms in Florida I disconnected the telephone connection from the back of my Modem. Hear alot of people are having trouble with their computers after a thunder storm. Put a double connection in the wall socket for two lines. Use one for the telephone & answering machine, the other for the computer. That way I can disconnect the computer when not using it without worrying about an electrical feedback. Hope this helps someone. Anna
Most of the higher end surge protectors have a built in phone line protector. Cheap Insurance in case your not home to unplug when the storm starts!
Florida Lightning Capital

I have a surge protector but still pull the plug from that during a storm. Most of the computer classes recommend disconnecting everything if going away for any period of time. During the summer we can expect to have lightning every day. This way can still use my telephone and answering machine without worrying in that room. Trouble is phones are still working even when the power goes out. Anna
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Way back in the 80's when the net was mostly for newsgroups, I ran a BBS. I had surge protectors for all my computers etc.. Well a lightning bolt hit a tree in my back yard.

Well the Computer got fried. Now I always unplug them.
I would double check all grounds in house. Never lost anything before... But than again i grounded all components myself
If you have that many storms, All probability ground is toast.

Surge pertect for 2nd insurance.
Power Outage this morning without a storm.

Guess you cannot think of everything. This morning about 9 oclock had a power outage for over an hour. Good thing I was not on at the time. Wonder what would of happen to my computer? Had the surge protector plugged on at time. Do have a surge protector at the meter coming in the house. Cannot think of anything else to do. Love my computer do not want anything to happen to it. Until the next storm will keep posting. Anna:)
Found my power off when I got back from vacation a couple of weeks ago. It was the fuse on the pole at the transformer (happens at least once a year). The guy from the power company told me it was probably a thunderstorm that had come through the day before. When I told him I was glad I had surge protectors in the house he just rolled his eyes and said he would never trust a surge protector. He said he saw MANY more that had failed than ones that worked. Everything was OK, but I will start unplugging the computer again if bad storms are predicted.

Most name brand surge protectors have good guarantees for your equipment (Also a good idea to buy with credit card for additional protection). Keep all your reciepts, back up often and have an alternate plan ie. an older model (retired) computer that is compatable with your peripherials, the operating system preloaded and your important programs also loaded and ready to be pulled out of the closet when your new jiffy speedyfast goes poof! Just load your most recent back up for your data files and your up and running. maybe a little slower, but beats running to the store and buying a new system at top dollar and still having no data available. I run a surge protector and a UPS (uniteruptable power supply) with built in surge protector before my equipment with the phone line protected through the surge protector also. No problems yet but I haven't seen a thunder storm in about five years or more! But California has its share of power problems!!!