Switching tanks for cleaning roofs


I am going to replace the tank I am using for another that has no bulkhead gasket to start leaking and then changing it out later and then again and again. I could not get a tank at the time without a bulkhead so I plugged the bulkhead. The teflon tape started leaking and soon after the bulkhead gasket started leaking. I replaced both and within a couple months, I had to do it all again.

My question is that I want to use this tank for soap mix for upstreaming. I am thinking that if I flush it out like 10 times, roll it around while flushing and then let water sit in it for a couple days then flush it out a few more times, maybe it would be safe to use for supply to pressure washing pump.

I just don't want any bleach or salt to get into my pump so that is the reason for the overkill for rinsing out the tank.

Any other ideas for cleaning it out?
Kory is right, but water alone should be fine, as long as you do it good.
Been there, done that with bulkheads.
Ruined many a truck and flatbed too.
Chlorine and U Joints like each other :eek:
The best bulkhead is NO bulkhead, as far as chlorine use goes.
Bulkheads are fine for water.
Chris, I have my house washing 65-gallon tank which is round rigged with the original plug out the bottom. I have had a few leaks over the years in this area. At the plug area I have a nipple and ball valve attached which I have hosed for downstreaming. While packing up the other day after finishing a job I went to turn the ball valve off and the nipple broke completely off, letting my house wash mix run into my enclosed trailer. I had nothing to stop the flow so I hooked up the garden hose and flushed the trailer as the 20-gallons came out. Once home, I took everything out of the trailer and gave it a good soap washing and it appears I did ok because the rhino spray inside is holding up ok. So here is what I have decided to do. I took a plug and plugged up the original spout, removing the ball valve so with the plug being caulked in it won't leak anymore. With this done I drilled a 1/2" hole in the top cap of the tank. I then took a long piece of 1/4" poly tube and rigged it with a piece of PVC 1/2" pipe. I took the 1/4" tubing I ran through the PVC pipe at one end which will fit snuggley in the cap. The other end of the tube I connected to my Downstream injector. I carry 3-15gallon tanks with me, usually which I mix up and have , Oxy in one, degreaser F-18 in another and Clean water in another. With the way I have my rig setup, all I have to do is pull my hose from one tank to another in a matter of seconds. The PVC pipe makes the hose straight and upright when in the tank. Oh, and by the way, no more leaks from ball valves. Hugh
Yes the tank won't leak at the top thank goodness. You know I just realized we have the same date of birth except I am 2-years older than you. October 9th 1952. Take care! Hugh
Yes the tank won't leak at the top thank goodness. You know I just realized we have the same date of birth except I am 2-years older than you. October 9th 1952. Take care! Hugh
Just eatin some real boiled peanuts right now Hugh.
We are both old men :)
Scott we have a peanut mill about 6-miles from us also. It is called Williston Peanuts. Every October they have a Peanut festival here in town, free hot grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for free. Boy are they good I go back for seconds. I usually buy my shelled peanuts at the mill by the 25-lb bags. Hugh
Kory, that sounds like a good idea to be safe.

What is a good brand of Chlorine Neutralizer?

Where can I purchase some to use?

What kind of luck have you had using the Chlorine Neutralizer?

Thanks for the help.
Scott we have a peanut mill about 6-miles from us also. It is called Williston Peanuts. Every October they have a Peanut festival here in town, free hot grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for free. Boy are they good I go back for seconds. I usually buy my shelled peanuts at the mill by the 25-lb bags. Hugh
You and Scott are fortunate you can get green Peanuts to boil.
Where is Williston, FL ?
Williston Florida is about 35-miles Southwest of Gainesville. Almost all my business is in Gainesville and surrounding areas. If you were in Spring Hill or brooksville which is north of Tampa and travel straight north you would run right into Williston. Hugh