Lenny, are you talking about overlap marks where you go one pass and then to make sure you get everything, you overlap the next pass?
Are you talking about swirls (circular swirls when you are cleaning like it is not cleaning good enough?
The overlaps depend on the quality, hardness of the concrete. I never get them on the very hard smooth finish concrete but the lower quality softer concrete I get them often. Here we have a big problem with poor quality concrete so I keep all kinds of nozzles with me so I do not destroy the substandard concrete. It is sad that people pay for good concrete and end up with crap.
The swirls are from moving too fast, you need to slow down.
What that is, is that you are moving the machine too fast so the spray bar does not have enough time to make that area clean with so many turns of the spray bar as you move thus leaving swirls.
Slow down some and they will not be there anymore. That will be the speed you will need to walk with that surface cleaner and pressure washer.
If you are using a big guy or any other brand surface cleaner that is bigger than 24" with a machine that is less than 8gpm, that will slow you down.
I have a 5.5 and it will work the big guy but I cannot move fast, just like when I had the Steel Eagle 30". Those surface cleaners need more volume machines to make them go faster, not more pressure.
With a 5.5 or smaller, I would stay under 24" so you can walk at a good pace.
I have a cold water 8gpm and it runs the big guy great, no problem at all.
This has been discussed and argued on many boards already throughout the years. If you do not believe me, call Bob from PressureTek or Russ at Southside Equipment and they will tell you the same thing.
There are 2 guys here that say their machines 5.5 or smaller will push the big guy at a good speed. It is possible but without a video showing their machines and the cleaning I don't believe it.
I have taken the big guy to a couple friends' places and tried it with their 5.5gpm, 6gpm, 4gpm and still the same thing, not enough gpm's to push it.