Support for the troops

Pete Marentay

Distinguished Professors
Support Our Troops


My nephew Matt, a marine, was sent back to Iraq last month for a second tour. He was married last summer, right after his first tour, and he and his wife are expecting a baby girl this June. He'll miss his daughter's birth, but duty calls. He had hoped to stay stateside and become a recruiter, but the best laid plans...

He can't tell us where he is stationed, but there are no good places to be over there (in my mind). All he said was "Don't worry, and please write."

There are literally thousands of troops with similar stories.

If you have a relative serving in the military during these times, please take a few minutes from time to time to send him or her your good wishes. If you don't know anyone in the service to send your thoughts to, I will list Matt's address here and on a few other BBs so that the pressure-wash community can show it's support for all troops by sending him a short note or two over the coming year. It means so much to those folks, and takes so little time to do.


CPO Meier, Matthew P.
CSSG 15 2nd TSB Co A 1st Truck
UIC 42491
FPO AP 96429-2491
Thanks, Ron. He got back safe, then went back for another tour. Ditto with another nephew. Both are home now, safe and sound. They each brought home some scary stories, and some pretty heartwarming ones too.