Sun Brite Supply has X-Jet M5

Sun Brite Supply Has the New X-Jet M5!
It retails for $149.
The original X-Jet now sells for $119!
Get yours by calling Sun Brite Supply's new toll free # - 877-5-SUPPLY (787759)

"Let us turn your work to play, and make it a Sun Brite day!":D
Thanks for the tip.

Sun Brite Supply strives to be your lowest cost supplier. We have permanently lowered our price to $111.00 for the Original X-Jet, and $139.00 for the "NEW" X-Jet M5!
Call our new toll free number - 877-5-SUPPLY (787759) and order yours today!
A little friendly competition benifits everyone. On the 25th & 26th, the next two days, I will sell the Original X-Jet for $ 99.95 & the M-Jet for 119.95. Just mention this post. Call toll free 888-898-0908

It looks like the Wal-Mart crew is flocking together. Heck since you guys have falling prices when it gets to $1.00 with free shipping let me know I'll take all you have.:)
Beleive it or not, there is a retailer around here who's price drops 1% every day. After 100 days it's free. Their not a pw retailer, but I thought I would mention the gimmicks people will use to get business. What ever works. Something to think about. If these two companies can lower their prices this much, and still make a profit, why do the other companies charge so much more. I personally know what wholesale cost is on these xjets, and I can guarantee both companies above are making a profit. Makes you wonder why others charge sooooooo much. Or not.
also, paradise, sorry about the nasty comments on the other board a while ago. I was going through a bad time and the slightest little think got my temper going bad. Hope you accept my apology.
Mike I guess that goes for me also as I was not having a good time around then either I also apoligize for the rude things that I said and consider it water under the bridge.:)
sounds good to me. I wish there were fish in that stream so I had something to do. It won't stop raining here. I could go for some trout, or a nice large mouth bass.