Sucker born every minute


Active member
Has anyone read the rules for the machine give away at the Hot and Mighty weekend shindig. Even if you win it they reserve the right to not give it to you. I guess if only three people attend they have an escape clause.

Beyond Pressure Washing™Where: Marriott, South Bend Indiana
When: April 29th - May 1st
Cost: $860 Per Person
Everyone is invited to apply.
Seating is limited
Hot And Mighty Beyond Pressure Washing Giveaway Official Rules

* The entrant must buy a reservation “ticket” for the Beyond Pressure Washing show.

* Only one ticket per show attendee is allowed.

* The participant must be present at the time of the drawing to claim his/her prize. If the prize winner is not present another name will be drawn until a present winner is available.

Sponsor reserves the right to make determinations of suitability in its sole and absolute discretion, and to disqualify any entries it determines to be inappropriate for any of the reasons listed above, or for any other reason.
I'm not sure but I think this on the border of being illegal. It's starting to resemble a raffle. Which is illegal in Indiana unless it's for a registered charity. If someone complains they may get a nasty letter from the Indiana AG.

To disqualify anyone at their discretion is unreal.
OK I will go with Larry in the tub.....
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Guys - can we do without the jerky little guys. There are girls on here :(
I'm cleaning mine up as well
Thanks Celeste, I get tired of the little dudes, of all varieties.