Stupid Is As Stupid Does

Lightning Gene

Active member
Saturday I was loading my lawn tractor on my tilt trailer to take it to the repair shop.The drive belt was broke so my wife and I pushed it up on the trailer.I then was strapping it down from the rear first when all of sudden it rolled to the back of the trailer and guess what? My wife had not put the pin in the tilt latch and trailer and mower slammed the trailer down across all 5 toes on my foot. No sense in going to the doctor because they will not do anything for broken toes. The world of vicadin helps a little but I can't wait till Monday to buy a walking cast to shim up my foot so I can still walk and work........And yes some bad words were said......
Sorry to hear about that Gene.

I am not sure but if it was me, I would still go get X-Rays and make sure the bones are set so they heal right.

Back in 1998 a guy was being chased by the cops and slammed into the side of my Mustang GT and plowed us both into a telephone pole and my hand was on the steering wheel with my fingers over the top of the steering wheel.

When we came to a stop, I tried to open my door so I can run over there and beat the guy to death but I could not open the door. I looked at my hand and it looked like there was a baseball under the skin. My fingers and hand were broken. While I tried to open the door, he got out of the car and grabbed his little girl (who was standing in the seat and hit the windshield when we both stopped) and ran away.

That little girl hit the windshield then fell down to the floor and did not move. It was like slow-motion. I told the police what happened and that they needed to find that little girl to make sure that she is ok.

I knew it was broken when I felt the pain when trying to open the door but could not pull as the bones were separated.

I went to the doctor and found that a couple bones were out of place and he set them and put a cast on my hand and arm.

2 weeks with a temporary cast then 6 weeks with a regular cast.
Sorry to hear about your luck Gene!

One more safety tip.....
Get help when lifting, I blew on o-ring lifting once, went for 3 surgeries to fix everything, including 3 hurnias! Try not to lift over 40lbs, and use your knees!
There ARE Pain Pills that make Vicodin look like asprins :eek:
Unfortunately, like Vicodin and Percodan, they are addictive.
Vicodin taken with Advil is very effective for pain BTW.
It is called stacking, like we used to do with Steroids, a LONG time ago :(
Ouch. Hope it heals quickly!
Come Monday I will be buying a walking boot cast to help with the pain. Had to clean a Restaurant know easy one...Well after planning on a 3 hr job it turned into 6....they took all the equipment outside and grabbed the wand to clean the grease off....Had to reclaim it all but got paid triple.....Now foot needs a good rest....Thx for the concern guys
Take it easy on that foot, no sense in making a bad situation worse.:eek: Let someone else take control of the wand for a while, if you need to.:)