Stupid Comments@PWI--sorry

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Stupid Comments@PWI--sorry

I made a stupid comment @ PWI And Gregs BBS.

I said I would post less when if fact I would post more if I could get my way.

That was wrong of me to announce that. I should keep personal issue like this to myself and not discuss that type of thing in public forums.

I post on all bbs as much as time allows me. I have time I post.

I guess the most important thing I would say is post trying to help others and not to make issues out of the way people act. If anyone or myself pisses you off its really not important.

My comment was not professional and I realize it’s not about personal differences at all…

Please except my apology and if someone make you made keep posting because it’s not about the guy who upsets you it’s about the people that need your help.
Ron, I have seen this happen on Carpet Cleaning BB. Before you know it one thing leads to another over one statement. Better not to bring up personal matters about people on this great BB. Lets all have fun and learn from everyone's experiences. I am sure we know what to post after this. Anna