Stopped by Russ' Today!!


New member
Nice crib man!! :wave2: Jim said it was nice but I had no idea!!!!

Russ bought a Multi Unit High Rise or is he just renting? :confused:
Ok I cant stand it, Jim actually has a architectual design engineer on retainer, he helped us build this, all units have the ability to heat water to 400 degrees, all units transform into self propelled turbo twisters with full wastewater reclaim that reuses water and cleans, polishes and filters it back to potable water, all roofs are complete solar paneled so this requires zero energy, zero emissions and no greenhouse gases!

Thanks Jim! He is also going to begain manufacturing these for everyone of us little people that is intrested. But you have to pick them up in Gayville California where he lives.

PS The paint on these babies is 50 mil thick with bulletproof glass and steel doors, also Jims mortgage company will hook ya up at 24 cents a square (inch)
Thats actually my water retention pond, it catches all of the excess wastewater from the rain and in the bottom there is a sand filtration unit the filters out silt and carbons before allowing it to re enter the water table, Jim personall spent 6432 hours and 2,500,000 of his own money on the design. I was not even allowed to look at the blue prints until after 24 seperate meetings with the EPA and the last was on a top secret mission with the CIA that was held on the moon with Barry Bonds attending, oh and there was Obama's 5 Star chef that also went along to prepare the food for the planning commission as well.

Please remember this unit is for our use and because of the complexity of the design there are no more pics to post and there wont be until after Jims patent is approved and the registered tradmark is done.
Hell and all along I thought it was a picture of the Redneck Riviera