Stonewall Jackson , Robert E Lee

My mom is an Abraham Lincoln fanatic. I was raised with a library of books about Lincoln all over the house. My mom was infatuated with him because he "freed the slaves".

A while back I started reading more and more about the founding fathers and our public figures up to and including lincoln. I was able to find sources on the internet that were previously unavailable without buying and searching through entire books.

After my study I called my mom and told her that I have determined the Lincoln bore the brunt of the blame for the situation our country finds itself in now and that his fight was not even remotely started to "free the slaves". Surprisingly she informed me that after reading all the books she has, she already knows that now.

While there has always been debate between two sides of strong fed/weak fed government - Abraham Lincoln put the nail in the coffin of the founding fathers' original intent when he shed blood to keep states within a union they wished to be no part of. All this had nothing to do with freeing slaves. As the article rightly says, the emancipation proclamation did not free the slaves.

So, here is the history lesson for today. A republican destroyed the vision of our founding fathers. It is up to us to find another republican to bring it back.