stolen equipment

Keep in mind most lanscape trailers are targets for crack heads becuase they have lots of carry away stuff.

Trimmer, gas , edgers, chainsaws, get my point. Crack heads take this right to the pawn shop or they can get instant cash because everyone uses these things.

Noy likley they will sell a PW as quick as a chainsaw or even a lawn mower.

But your right, I use kriptonite locks...They are tough
My stuff is all bolted down, and at night it is in a locked up storage unit. When we are out working and staying over in a hotel during the day, I run a cable thru all the surface cleaners and gas cans. Everything else gets locked up in the tool boxes.

Hey if they want it bad enough they will find a way to steal it. I have been lucky that in 16 yrs I have only lost a surface cleaner to some crack head while I was cleaning a 24 hr Walgreens and my 2 guys were busy working and I was inside getting my invoice signed.

I have been in many different cities in many different states and I try to stay at better hotels with security, plus we sleep during the day time hours and your less likely to be bothered then. There are just scum bags out there that will take whatever they can grab, I just hope that if it happens to me again that I will get a chance to catch them and take every bad thing that ever happened in my life out on them!!
My stuff is all bolted down, and at night it is in a locked up storage unit. When we are out working and staying over in a hotel during the day, I run a cable thru all the surface cleaners and gas cans. Everything else gets locked up in the tool boxes.

Hey if they want it bad enough they will find a way to steal it. I have been lucky that in 16 yrs I have only lost a surface cleaner to some crack head while I was cleaning a 24 hr Walgreens and my 2 guys were busy working and I was inside getting my invoice signed.

I have been in many different cities in many different states and I try to stay at better hotels with security, plus we sleep during the day time hours and your less likely to be bothered then. There are just scum bags out there that will take whatever they can grab, I just hope that if it happens to me again that I will get a chance to catch them and take every bad thing that ever happened in my life out on them!!

hey but the best thing is that when we work out of town its at night and we are about the only thing left in the parking lot in the day so it cuts down on theives. They cant be as sneaky in the daytime.
hey but the best thing is that when we work out of town its at night and we are about the only thing left in the parking lot in the day so it cuts down on theives. They cant be as sneaky in the daytime.

Exactly, we pulled into our hotel the other day to call it a night and I took all the front row parking spaces up. Plus I can probably even get off a few shots from my room!! LOL
Funny this topic got started, I was going to start a thread about equipment security, In the last month, I have had my wires cut on the hot ignition to the hot water unit twice, And someone trashed my truck last night, no one has ever taken anything, they just keep screwing with me.

So who did you fire lately
My son has a lawn service business and had a chain saw and blower stolen off of his trailer last week while they were mowing common areas in a subdivision. He is buying an enclosed trailer today.
So who did you fire lately

I doubt Rigo Did it, lol

But there is another pressure wash company here in sugar land, that is screwing over alot of home owners, and I have been the guy to fix his mistakes. So I called him the other day and offered to teach him how to clean properly, but that didn't fly very well with him, lol
I have had some scum bag kids messing with my truck on my driveway at night. Since then I have installed silent motion detectors along my driveway. If someone crosses the path of the 3 motion detectors around my yard an alarm will go off inside my house on a portable receiver.

That will give me time to catch the bastards in the act, I have to admitt I have been baiting them, hope they take it....
I have had some scum bag kids messing with my truck on my driveway at night. Since then I have installed silent motion detectors along my driveway. If someone crosses the path of the 3 motion detectors around my yard an alarm will go off inside my house on a portable receiver.

That will give me time to catch the bastards in the act, I have to admitt I have been baiting them, hope they take it....

That's Awesome, I may look into that
That's Awesome, I may look into that

Be aware, mine are a little to sensitive so make sure you set them up where every little thing wont set them off. I got a little tired of running outside and finding a lizard or frog hanging out on the sensors :grin: Yea thats right I killed the bastard's.Damm florida vermin there everywhere.:joyful:
Be aware, mine are a little to sensitive so make sure you set them up where every little thing wont set them off. I got a little tired of running outside and finding a lizard or frog hanging out on the sensors :grin: Yea thats right I killed the bastard's.Damm florida vermin there everywhere.:joyful:

I have had some scum bag kids messing with my truck on my driveway at night. Since then I have installed silent motion detectors along my driveway. If someone crosses the path of the 3 motion detectors around my yard an alarm will go off inside my house on a portable receiver.

That will give me time to catch the bastards in the act, I have to admitt I have been baiting them, hope they take it....

If they are kids, I'd duck tape them up real good and take them back to their parents house. Over 18, dope fiends, or just plain thieving bastards... on my property they better be wrapped in Kevlar head to toe.

I hate thieves. Had some crackhead approach me on a job about a week ago. Hand on my concealed Glock, this POS asked me if I wanted to buy a generator, real cheap. I told him he had less than 3 minutes to disappear because I was calling the Police.

Thieves are scumbags, right down there with child abusers. And no better are greedy company owners and/or individuals who purchase stolen items.