Stencil Demo

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
We tried out our new stencil today on some filthy sidewalks we were cleaning for an HOA we do work for here in Palm Harbor FL.

I won this stencil at the M/B R/T thanks for donating to the R/T.
I got to actually see the stencil today right after Nick did the demo. I will say it is a very high quality stencil. I was very impressed. Good job Nick! :)
Looks good, what kinda surface cleaner is that?

That is one of the original fiberglass cover with grease fitting sweepers, I have that sweeper for 12 years i actually have 2 of them.

I will never get rid of them, they work great and they last forever.I forgot the actual name of it ,Mega i think, it's been a long time.
I'm glad no one picked the stencil at M/B I think i got the best prize, the one that keeps on giving..
HOLY cow,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets us know what they thought.

I was already doing those sidewalks for an HOA we do work for. I fiqured i would try it out...;)
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We have been doing this for 9 years. And now the stencil demos have increased our work load.

We are ordering more stencils and hiring more guys & Gals