start up


New member
I just started doing power washing in NY, and have been doing pretty well with a 5.5 hp sears craftsman 2400 psi machine. I am going through the process of upgrading to a hot machine (so i can clean anything) with a water tank and a trailer. I am looking for some advice and answers to questions...

1. enclosed or closed trailer? (I don't have a garage)

2. Should I piece together my equipment or buy a package deal?

3. what's an x-jet? It sounds like I need one!!

4. should I buy a machine with a pressure regulater ( i've had some dealers tell me that they will eventually fail)?

5. I don't believe in applying chemicals through the power washing machine. Is there a big savings in time by doing this or will my pump sprayer suit my needs?

6. What di i do when the cleaner I apply gets soaked up by the wood (like a thirsty camel at an oasis)?

7. does anybody know how to clean those "asbestos" siding shingles? People were putting them on houses in th 50's and 60' ( I think)
I sell the package deal. I sell set-ups that have a 100% success rating. If you are getting into this business and want good equipment at a fair price, then email me. I can also help you with some of the other stuff you asked about.

Another option would be to deal with a local company that could deal with you and back your products up. Landa has a good network-check the local dealer out. Landa makes a fine machine, I have five and two of them are 15 years young.

Whether or not to piece together your rig depends on how handy you are and how much time you have. Personally, I would put my own rig together. There are lots of ideas to be found on this and other boards as far as rig setup, and you can save a bit of money doing it that way. Spend some time searching the boards for rig pictures etc.

With no garage, and being in NY, I would go with the enclosed trailer. An enclosed trailer will help keep your equipment warmer in the cold winter, it will protect it from the elements year round, and will deter theft. You can also get a whole lot more stuff into an eclosed trailer than an open trailer of the same size. However, an open trailer makes things much easier to get to when you're working.

As far as keeping a lot of chemicals from soaking into the wood, pre-wet it before applying and then rinse well.

Hope this helps!
I don't even bother washing the absestos houses.............too much liability all around..............and not just because of any possbible contamination...............just mainly because they're so fragile.............

Go with an enclosed trailer if you can afford it.

You could always rent a garage, as I do...............and get an open trailer (alot cheaper) However, when it gets cold outside you have trouble pulling it around without everything freezing.

It all depends on your intentions for working in late fall/winter.