Start learning chinese!!!

The Cleaner

Vetran Washer 30 Years Plus
I don't make this stuff up...

> Remember back during the campaign season when (Nobody messes with) Joe Biden said that in the first year Obama was going to be tested and have to make a tough decision that was going to be unpopular and everyone was going to question him but he was going to prove how tough he is? The information below is so bizarre that its hard to imagine but at least MSNBC says it happened. What are they thinking?
> I just received this from a friend. I find it inconceivable that such a thing could happen.
> The United States of America is being sold from under us by the very people who should be protecting our rights and property.


> This is absolutely unacceptable!
> Beijing, China -- Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have just CONFIRMED to me that the United States of America has tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the People's Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China's continued purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves!
> The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during her recent trip to China .
> This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China , the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.
> Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States . They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to "take" all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt.
> This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA . An outrage worthy of violent overthrow.
> I am endeavoring to obtain images or copies of the actual document but in the interim, several different sources both in the US and in China have CONFIRMED this to me.
> More details as they become available. . . . . Spread the word ASAP.
> Eminent Domain is the power of government to TAKE private property for public use without the consent of the property owner. Under our Constitution, the government can only "take" when providing "just compensation for what they've taken.
> Who decides what constitutes "just compensation?" The government!
> Homeowners who felt the government was not paying them enough for property in past "takings" have filed lawsuits. In absolutely every such case, the value placed upon the property by the government was upheld by the courts.
> Our federal government has now granted to China , this power to "take"our homes and businesses in the event the US Gov't defaults on its debts. Let's play this out as a worst case scenario . . . . .
> The US Gov't goes belly-up and China comes in and says, "they owed us $2 Trillion in Treasury Notes and another $2 Trillion in actual cash money which is now worthless. We are taking the entire state of Hawaii and the entire state of California in lieu of this bad debt. "
> With the stroke of a Chinese chop stick, Hawaii and California -- all the land and buildings in those states -- are now owned by China .
> The "taking" would be a "valid public use" because it was taken" in payment of the public debt!!!!
> China could then turn around and declare the value of all that land to be worth. . . . .. I dunno, ten cents on a dollar?
> For your $200,000 house, you get a Chinese check for $20,000.
> Needless to say, the property owners would go ballistic and demand "just compensation" for what was taken. Who gets to decide what is "just?" China ! Don't think you got a fair price for what they took? No problem, sue China .
> You'll lose.
> People who live in those states and own their land outright, might be able to negotiate with China to "rent" back their own property, as long as the property owner continued to pay all his taxes; but the land and buildings would belong to China !
> This is what our own Government has just done to us and it is the single most vile act of betrayal in the history of human existence.
I am on way my out the door and you RUINED my day!!!
I've known this would happen for a long time just didnt want to see it.
Brothers we need to unit and get the countries power in the proper hands and out of the federal govt. We need to WORK together and teach all the "YES" people and hand out grubbers in this world that they are all part of the problem.
We need to have a revolution. Unfortunlety the only way I know of is with arms, which will someday be needed but before that we need another way. I just dont know of another way.
Off to wash trucks.
Thanks NICK I am pissed!!
Thats why I did not want a WASTEFUL STIMULUS PACKAGE and that is all it is nothing more. They WON and they think they can do anything they want and Spend as MUCH as they WANT and GUESS what? it seems with all the people thinking there is a free ride out there it won't get any better soon. Now we can start selling States off Whole Sell :mad:
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How about this plan - 20% tax on every single chinese item - add those numbers up, throw them at the public. Or 50% or whatever. Can anyone believe that after poisoning our pets and dangerous toys for our children there was nothing done?

And here is the original article. There is nothing in the orignal article about eminent domain. It does say that the Chinese wants guarantees that the US is going to support the value of the dollar. Shoot, I want guaratees that the US will support the value of the dollar. The reason, in my opinion, that they are wanting this? Because they are afraid that the Obamanation will devalue the currency, thus destroying the total value of their investment.
lots of folks check information on Who checks to make sure they are right? Just a thought. Kinda like who certifies the certifiers.
?well you could do like I did and not make the illogical leaps after reading the article. I am with snopes on this one. Even if the news service was not reporting it, Rush and company would be having a hay day.
I'll keep that in in mind Scott.But any thing is logical when dealing with our govt.