Stained Bricks

The Roof Cleaner

New member
Hi I am cleaning a building were the old aluminum window paint has bled onto the brick leaving white streaks. Does anyone have a cleaning treatment or method that will remove the streaks? Thank You George
No response!!! I thought everyone on here knew every thing!!!
No response!!! I thought everyone on here knew every thing!!!

Nice attitude George certainly a good way for a guy with 3 posts to get positive feed back.
Where exactly did you get the idea anyone on PWI knows everything?

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Hey Roof Cleaner, I clean alot of brick in Birmingham Al. I use a product from
Sure Clean It's called Fast Acting Stripper. I buy it from Jenkins Brick here in Bhm. I have never had much luck with muratic acid removing paint from brick.
Make sure you do not wet the brick, if you do the product will not work and it's very expensive 72.00 a gal. It's not like acid it's more of a gel like you paint it on with a brush. It works great for painters over spay. Good Luck.
Sorry I'm new and not sure how to fill out the signature.
Squirtgun you are the best and I'm sure you know all there is to know about cleaning. And I'm not being a smart ass, SORRY if I came across like one but I'm doing a job and am having a really hard time with the brick.

As you all know brick is rather soft and the paint has bleached (should have said leached) (I like the edit feature) into the bricks under surface. When the brick is wet it looks great, when it dries the streaks are back. George
Call EaCoChem. They are top notch in our book - never had the first problem with getting someone on the phone or by email.

Sorry but I do not know what state EaCochem is in and the number. Can you help me. George
Thanks Mike for the reply, but this paint has been on the brick for a really long time and has leached (did I say bleached before) DA!!! into the brick so its not only on the surface its below it.
I did add the signature today. Does it take a day or two to show up???
Thank You Roger for your help George