Stain Experts Needed

OK I cleaned a Shopping Center that I do monthly it is a very new shopping center 6 months old, But here is what I'm up against, the main Store in this center has been selling Wine Barrels that are cut in half for Flowers and they had them upside down NOW I have nice Round Red Wine Rings on the Concrete LOL I try 3 different things to get it up but to now avail at least on the ones that have been there a month or more. The newer ones came up , But these older ones WOW that Wine is a Bitch to get up.

Is there anything that works good on this Red Wine to get it off the concrete or have any of you ever ran into this before? man what a Pain. :(
Trust me I know how green it is, I used low pressure and High heat on it. I tried Rust off but it did not do much to it, maybe I need to mix it stronger or try oxalic on it. Well I just hate when they do this stuff to new concrete LOL Caustic does not touch it either.
Bleach may be your best bet. Start weak and go from there. Bleach is most effective removing dyes from porous surfaces. I would try a mix in a spray bottle on the stained area.
Bleach sounds like a good guess. That stain reminds me of when olives or dates drop on the sidewalk and get smashed in. If you find what works I'm going to try it on those next time I see them.
I was thinking Bleach today, but I did not have any with me, I have some Good stuff that I got from my friend at the chem company that makes it. I will try it and see if it works.

Why could it not have been White Wine Barrels :D
Did you try club soda? My mom always said club soda will get wwine out. hahahhahaha
Other than experimenting with all mentioned, give the Phosphoric (ospho at the Home Depot or auto parts stores) or Oxalic or Bleach a try, maybe even Hydrogen Peroxide if you can get stronger than 3%, it is worth a try.
Maybe try the Super Iron Out.

Good Luck, I wish I had an answer for you.
Well while I was in sweeping the center tonight I looked over the stains and it looks like I got most of it up after it dried out I could barley see them. Next month when I go in to wash I will try a couple different mixes and see what works best. I know with the barrels still there I will have more stains to get rid of.