Spray distance with the Delevan 5800 roof set up?

Budget Roof

New member
I just received my new delevan complete roof set up kit from pressure tek, my question is, what distance can I expect to spray with the wand and nozzle that come with the kit? We have our first roof to clean next week, and want to know what to expect - Thanks, Clay
i dont know exactly but i know i can clean a 2 story home with pretty much no problem. I do all my roof washes while im on the roof and i have no problem hitting the whole roof either.
I just received my new delevan complete roof set up kit from pressure tek, my question is, what distance can I expect to spray with the wand and nozzle that come with the kit? We have our first roof to clean next week, and want to know what to expect - Thanks, Clay

depends on which hose set up you chose , did you opt for the 5/8 or the 1/2 inch ?

also which mode are you going with ? if you go with the higher psi of 60 you will get less flow and further distance but if you choose to get the higher gpm it wont shoot as far

also which tips did Bob send you 30's or 40's
I just received my new delevan complete roof set up kit from pressure tek, my question is, what distance can I expect to spray with the wand and nozzle that come with the kit? We have our first roof to clean next week, and want to know what to expect - Thanks, Clay
Just wondered how it came out Clay ??
the guys are right, i tried mine with water first, got 30 ft with the 0040 and about 35/40 with the 0030, with no wand. with the direct steam you gonna have alot of run off, but my wife wont let me get on top of 2 storys. so i shoot them from the gutters. she told me after 24 years in the army during 3 wars, your dumb a$$ is gonna fall off a 2 story and get killed? buy a bandit. lol
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Bandit shooting in 20 mph wind.

<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/H27fFxs6Xnc&hl=en"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/H27fFxs6Xnc&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
If it will shoot 40 feet on the ground, it may only do 30 feet on a ladder ?
Reason ?
Head pressure increases as height above ground increases.
The LAST thing you want is a marginal pump on a windy day on a 40 foot ladder ;)
Better to shoot TOO far, then not far enough.
Nice video Mike :)
Cant wait to get my Bandit next week. Just talked to Bob today, and it should be here by next Thrusday.

Mike, What do you use for house washes? I saw you spraying the house, then the ground then the grass??

Another questions for everyone. I have a 325 gl water and 125gl chem tank. Instead of mixing different chemicals for different jobs, ie roof, then house, then concrete, then wood...Im thinking of plumbing both tanks to my pump, then installing a valve that adjusts the flow of chems so that I can adjust on the fly and not have to use the same mix from the roof to the house...Does this sound like it would work? It does to me, and I cant really find a downside to it, except the trial and error part trying to figure out which setting is for what. Thanks
The valve will work, but here is the problem, all the chemical in your hose.
It takes awhile for the old chem to get out of the hose.
You can see some of my threads on the vari flow system that I abandoned, for right now.
Reason ?
We only clean two things, shinmgle and tile roofs, so a two tank system with 2 pumps is what we use.
One tank is tile roof chemical, one is shingle.
OR, one is treatment chemical, and one is cleaning chemical.
Cant wait to get my Bandit next week. Just talked to Bob today, and it should be here by next Thrusday.

Mike, What do you use for house washes? I saw you spraying the house, then the ground then the grass??

Another questions for everyone. I have a 325 gl water and 125gl chem tank. Instead of mixing different chemicals for different jobs, ie roof, then house, then concrete, then wood...Im thinking of plumbing both tanks to my pump, then installing a valve that adjusts the flow of chems so that I can adjust on the fly and not have to use the same mix from the roof to the house...Does this sound like it would work? It does to me, and I cant really find a downside to it, except the trial and error part trying to figure out which setting is for what. Thanks

That was just water to demo machine. It was the first time I started it and wanted to check for leaks etc. I have since done a few roofs and a house wash with it. It rocks. Best thing so far... It uses less gas than my skid when doing house washes.
I knew it was water right away Mike.
Do you know how ?
About 1/2 way through the video it gets all over the grass.
You are FAR too professional and experienced to leave un rinsed chemical on the grass. :)
Especially in a Video :cool:
Especially since it was his grass.