South Roof Cleaning ORG.

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
I know this might not be perfect timing, I think you guys could already have and organization in floridajust for roof cleaners.

Maybe a statewide directory and collective marketing?

just a thought, but i truly think you guys are ready.

I have been to 15 round tables. I have never had all the guys from the same state except my own.

I truly think you guys should start and ***ociation or sorts. (TRULY)

I'm not even talking about PW, just a roof cleaners ***ociation .
that is so ***anine
Hey guys, Chill about the fighting deal. This is exactly why they might want to start and org.

If you have oposition and you cant seem to get the message out about something wrong about the industry its better served as a group.

Beside, I'm not talkig about just FL, the entire south is packed with roof washers.

I have never seen one constant in this industry that stands out like this specialty.
Why do you think we need to be segregated?
Are we not as good as Alabama roof cleaning?
I feel sooo, back of the bus! :( LOL
Are we not as good as Alabama roof cleaning?

Honestly it really does not matter to me, I was messing with you, we dont clean roofs at the moment, we are planning to start back in the spring but right now we are slammed with commercial work.

As far as the association ? I guess it is up to you guys.