something is different


I awoke this morning to 47 degrees, and my yard is starting to appear again, it's been a month or so since I've seen it.
Could it be an early spring? Lets hope.
This morning it was -32C (-26F) with a high of -20C (-4F) and I have 4 feet of snow on my front lawn. Tomorrow they are calling for a high of 4C (39F) and rain. Come summer time we will get as high as 40C (104F) with 90% humidity.

Long story short all we have to do around here is survive what nature throws at us long enouhg to not get too upset by the whole thing.

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i bet he

takes his snowmobile to the factory and builds the pressure washers. lol
Naaa salseman make money they dont earn it.
[just kidding]
hey michael

i see your in canada......i have a long lost cousin who i have searched for on the web as he must have a web site as he trains race horses(arab stallions i believe) his name is barryprice and his wife is called hillary and they go by the name of" hillbarry".

his mum sent the racing paper over to us years ago with thier names highlighted 2 or 3 times on each page as i remember they were top trainers at the time.

any tips on finding them(long shot:) )
First to RonP... I cover 22 States and Eastern Canada, log >100,000 miles per year, eating in restaurants all the time and staying in hotels 100+ nights per year then you are right I don't work. So far this year I have had to take my snowmobile to the plant a couple of times because roads were closed around here, even the snowplows were off the road.

To kmjt1021... no I do not pressure wash. According to my wife I do just fine on housework though.

To PaulUK... as with any geneology search start with the Mormon church in Salt Lake City, UT. They have the largest database in the world. You can also try online search engines like You can drill down through the results by clicking on the link at the bottom 'Search in results'. Or you can try if you know a partial address or telephone number you may be able to track them down that way. If they raise/breed/train Arabian horses then try looking for them through

Hope this helps? Cheers to all.
The Mormon church's geneology website is
You might have a ahrd time finding them on that sight, because they are careful about putting the names of living people on there.

Scott Stone

thanks for the links but they emigrated from the uk over 40 years ago........the horse link was dead(will chase this up later)........the info link is no use as i have not got any add or phone....but i will search google .ca later on...i think they must both be retired by now......thanks i will keep chasing them up as time allows.

cheers paul.
I awoke this morning to 43 degree weather and it was poring rain, Thank god It was melting the 2 feet of snow to the point that I could see the grass agian ( I haven't see grass in 2 months)

I came home at 2 pm today to find 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground it is now about 20 degrees.

What early spring??