Some more "Fine Art Photography" at a chinese restaurant.


facilisales Machine
Here is restaurant I looked at last week.

I think this should be the first job we sent Steven B. to as part of his training.
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Why even do a job like that? I dumped all my chinese customers. After cleaning hoods for 18 years, I won't do them anymore. They are never happy with the price, they never keep them up, etc. etc.
Got a call from chinese restaurant down town.
Arrived there ,talked to Kitchen head and proceeded to look around. As soon as I got out the camera they were very irate and I was asked to leave the premises.
Will post pics as soon as I downsize them. Until then--> Use your imagination.
oh my

Dam , I take my hat off to anyone taking on a job like that. I once bid a job like that with they intention that they would say no thanks and to my supprise they said yes. Shit , I hated myself for long time . But we got it done. Am scheduled to go back in 2020. he he he he
I am not holding my breath on that one but if we do get it we'll have some good photos.

Tim - lots of asian places object to cameras....not sure why (maybe nervous).
I do not usually pull mine out until the filters are pulled out and I am already up on my step ladder - quick and dirty.
I say that it helps me see what is up inside the duct.
Celeste, don't let the bastards get you down. That's what I tell my wife when she feels overburdened.
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Glad I could brighten your day, now that I see you have a copy of my militant squirrel, please email it to me. I lost mine when my alter ego Bryanetta showed up a few weeks ago, Pink was a good color wasn't it.
It took me three weeks to ge him err her back in the closet.
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That meets my definition of the word "lame".
"why do I have to be Mr. Pink?" Who was Mr. Pink & from what movie? :p
"if I let everyone pick their name, everyone would be MR. Black. Mr, Pink was Steve Buscemi. Each member of the crew was a color.