Smoke on concrete ceiling, Help!


New member
Dear all,

We have recently won a bid to remove smoke from a concrete ceiling in a room where a diesel engine electric generator operated for a few months. I was planning on using the PW (Skid mount, 3500 PSI, 5.5 Gls/min, Oil Burner) and using either the Turbo nozzle and/or the 8" rotary cleaner on the wand.

Anyhoo, the thing is in your experience is this the best way to go? Do you think chems will be needed? If so, which?

The area is flat completely, only its over us instead of under us.

Thanks in advance for your kind replies. Appreciate the help.

I am not so sure i would have bid the job not knowing how i am going to clean it:D

However, you should try a small test section and see what it is going to take to clean this before you start the job, thats the best advice i can give you
You really need to do some test spots to see what works. You can try pressure & heat. on fire damage concrete ceiling I used Gutter Zap and it cleaned it well, well let me say this, it cleaned the smoke soot. In another area a closed room the concrete was burnt and black and it didnt really touch it, just on the smoke areas it worked

Theres just about a chemical to clean everything (usually)you just have to find the right chem and you better check the price of the chem and the process to clean it. Call eaco chem they are pretty helpful
There is a wealth of knowledge here and people have had luck with many different chemicals.

I would not use a rotary nozzle on concrete to clean, especially a ceiling because that is more of a destructive tool like to remove coatings like paint, epoxy, etc.... not for cleaning soot. You can leave permanent etch marks that look like a chain if you are not careful.

Since it is a stain, use a chemical with some heat and a little bit of pressure like Jeff mentioned. A chemical like F-18 or F-13 from PressureTek usually works on soot and fire damage but there have been a few times that I had to use other chems (maybe something burning that left a residue other than soot there but you can't tell as everything is black and charred). Give Bob at PressureTek a call and call EacoChem too.

Use the Search button near the top of the screen as someone might have found another chemical that has worked for them. We do not read every post here and there are things we miss or do not know about. Good Luck.

Superior Power Washing<O:p</O:p
Chris Chappell<O:p</O:p
Exterior House Cleaning in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Cleaning Concrete Driveways Sidewalks and Walkways in Corpus Christi Texas<O:p</O:p
Thanks very much!. Actually, it is part of a larger job for a building which is going to have post construction clean up for all of the areas, and they asked if i was able to tackle this particular problem. Of course being young and stupid i said yes, and calculated costs for about 4 day´s worth of work and went ahead, but afterwards (not having the bid yet) i got worried about the way to do it, and then BAM we got the gig, now they say be careful what you wish for!!!

Thanks very much for your kind replies. Ill try what you´ve recomended,

I can help.

I get asked about fire damage often and have a product that seems to work very well. Our Powerhouse is a great choice for removing the carbon residue left from the fire. You can see the price and description at and check the house wash section. If I can be of more assistance, please call our toll free # listed below.
I know this may sound like a no brainer, but is worth mentioning.

Make sure you go all out with your Personal Protective Equipment. Whatever chem your using is going to be all over you! Don't take any chances.
I have used sodium hydroxide with success doing this type of job

Bingo,,, we have a winner!
I've had to remove major smoke damage from gas grills etc... A butyl based sodium hydroxide and a little scubbung will normally remove the soot from the surface followed by a good pressure washing rinse. You may have to repeat this process a couple or more times but it will come off... Good Luck! :)

No Mike, you did not really win anything before you ask! Hahaha! :D
Thanks very much guys, youve all been much helpful!!!