Smoke Free


JL Pressure Washing
The town I have my shop in has passed an ordinance of no smoking in any public building or any business and you cant smoke with in 30 ft of a public building or biz. Its kind of crazy and to bad for restaurants & bars. The town is SurfSide Beach and theres plenty of bars & restaurants, but the town is small 2 miles X 2 miles. People can just go to the town next to it and smoke a lot of the biz owner are worried. I figure they should at least let customers & employees smoke outside, but nope not with in 30 ft. I think a smoking area inside if it has the ventilation. So if you work you basically cant smoke

The crazy part is that the Police are in charge of enforcing the law and giving tickets. Now don't you think the police have enough to do. Its a big tourist area, there is plenty of crime and accidents and events that the police are needed for. So instead of the police patrolling when they aren't answering calls they are suppose to be looking for smokers, totally ridiculous. I rather have them patrolling the streets looking for real crime instead of busting some tourist for smoking or some poor McDonald's worker making $6.00 an hour trying to grab a quick smoke break. I talked to a couple cops and you can read about the smoking ban in the newspaper but you don't read much about the recent wave of gang crime and drug crimes, tourist area, they don't want them to know about crime. So while a tourist is getting robbed, the cops will be ticketing you or me for smoking out back.

My wife works at a bank in that town too. They have always let customers smoke in the bank. The bank is over 100 years old and were in tobacco one way or another hell the bank was built with tobacco money.

The biz owner are fighting it.

The police wasting their time is what really is wrong. sometimes things just go to far, protect the health of people but be reasonable please. Why don't they just close down the tobacco companies then. Cant have that, to much tax dollars

See ya I got to go have a smoke
Arkansas has been smoke free for over a year now, except for places that you're required to be 21 to get in. As a non-smoker, I think it's great! All the restaurants quickly added an outdoor patio section for the smokers to sit in.

I really thought that smoking was decreasing the last several years, but we've been to a couple fairs this year, and man- smoking seems to be well and alive with young people! Everyone that looked 13 or older that wasn't accompanied by an adult had a stick hanging from their lips! Maybe county fairs aren't a good representation of the population whole though! :rolleyes:
Arkansas has been smoke free for over a year now, except for places that you're required to be 21 to get in. As a non-smoker, I think it's great! All the restaurants quickly added an outdoor patio section for the smokers to sit in.

I really thought that smoking was decreasing the last several years, but we've been to a couple fairs this year, and man- smoking seems to be well and alive with young people! Everyone that looked 13 or older that wasn't accompanied by an adult had a stick hanging from their lips! Maybe county fairs aren't a good representation of the population whole though! :rolleyes:

No outdoor patios allowed. NO smoking with in 30 feet of any biz.

I quit a lot of bad habits in my life. Cig Smoking is one I have never been able to quit, its a Mutha of a habit
Starting next year, anyone caught smoking in their car, with anyone under 16 in it will be charged.
You are not aloud to have a smoking room attached to a bar/ restaurant or any building. It's weird for me going away to see how liberal other countries are. And yes, I'm still one of those heathens that smoke.
Connecicut has been Smoke Free in restaurants and bars for several years now. It is a State law here. You can't smoke within 20 feet of the entrance of any Public building.
There have been several attempts to get a law passed about smoking in your car with minors in the vehicle, but they have all been defeated in the State Senate.
I do not smoke, so these laws have little to no effect on me, but I find it interesting to see what happens everytime a new restriction is put in place.
Our state just increased the taxes on cigarettes significantly. I know several people who are quiting because of it.
I have to try and cross the street or get away if im passing people standing and smoking. Used to be asthma related but now the smell just gives me a headache

Id rather see people kill themselves on their own property
I don't smoke but I think most of the anti smoking laws are a load of BS. Smoking on an airplane where I have no choice but to inhale, fine to ban it. On private property though where I can choose not to go if I desire then the owner should decide. If a restaurant wants to allow smoking everywhere thats their right. Some smart entreprenuer will open a smoke free place next door for others to go. This country is turning into a bunch of whiny, wimpy morons. There are problems facing this country that are much more important than where people smoke.
I don't smoke but I think most of the anti smoking laws are a load of BS. Smoking on an airplane where I have no choice but to inhale, fine to ban it. On private property though where I can choose not to go if I desire then the owner should decide. If a restaurant wants to allow smoking everywhere thats their right. Some smart entreprenuer will open a smoke free place next door for others to go. This country is turning into a bunch of whiny, wimpy morons. There are problems facing this country that are much more important than where people smoke.

why dont you just say whats on your mind Doug?
I don't smoke but I think most of the anti smoking laws are a load of BS. Smoking on an airplane where I have no choice but to inhale, fine to ban it. On private property though where I can choose not to go if I desire then the owner should decide. If a restaurant wants to allow smoking everywhere thats their right. Some smart entreprenuer will open a smoke free place next door for others to go. This country is turning into a bunch of whiny, wimpy morons. There are problems facing this country that are much more important than where people smoke.

You know you are right it is crazy, they will have cops ticketing people and not on the beat. They say they want it smoke free for the kids, but yet they will have candy & soda machines in school and child obesity is horrible nowadays. I dont know its a crazy world and I think its going to get crazier.
Sorry but I can't help getting wound up over the PC police. My dad smoked like a chimney in the car, in the house, everywhere. My brother and sisters all survived and none of us took up the habit. I don't smoke but if someone else wants to that's their business. Everyone needs to grow up and quit being offended by what others say, do, eat, etc.