sites battle.....

Ron Musgraves

Exterior Restoration Specialist
Staff member
Thanks Ron! :)
Great Timing

I actually checked this out yesterday.

Rank- 60,296 1 wk avg.- 31,794 3 month change +149%

The Grime Scene
Rank- 89,328 1 wk avg.-35,332 3 month change +11,200%

Delco- Old Site
Rank- 188,824 1 wk. avg.-188,824 3 month change +64%

The Cleaner Network
Rank- 358,046 1 wk avg.- 243,279 3 month change +3,300%

The Pressure Washing Institute
Rank-484,653 1 wk avg. 783,501 3 month change n/a

I did not check the Power Wash Network. Interesting things to watch are how the enhancement of this board effects the numbers, it should go way up. The other ias Ron stated, The Grime Scene is mov'in on up!
remember if you load Alexa on your computer, it tracks ALL your online activity!
Do you guys (and gals) realize that 54% of the posts on this bbs come from 20 members (1%)!
Grant, did you realize thats the way all bbs work. LOL

I bet that this bbs other than the PWNA has a varity of poster like no other. I'll bet more have posted here than any other. I mean steve r. Mike H. larry H. guru and others in the industry. Beth Dan F DAve P. the LIst goes on and on. this and the PWNA is some what of a nuetral ground.

It doesnt mean one is better than the other. its just truly and forum thats free and not supported by distributor money alone.

Aside from Beth BBS, she has truly come close to making that a nice marriage. she runs her show and demostrates no fear about her competitors and i admire her for that.

Truly she has a nice forum and i support her.

SHe markets her business well and helps the industry. if others had done that same they would have been as successful.

PWI will always be here. the problem is no one gets paid for the fruits, its up to the supporters to help.

Grant, one more thing. you should look at the number of each admin for each BBS. I wont mention names but one BBS admin is 35% of the BBS. LOL. thats and intere3sting thought. I'm sure no human has as many total posts as myself. By no means am i pround of the time i have spent online. I have helped some and pissed some off.

if you check the numbers on others you would find the same results. the only difference is you might upset someone.
Ron, yes you are right and I'm not really that suprised by those figures but what is suprising is how many people register and never post so much as a "hello, I'm Joe and I'm a pw'er from New Mexico"
how do we as an industry get these lurkers to join in on the fun?
As for the other bbs's, Beths and PWNA i visit regularly. PWN is an occassional stop but it has lost a lot of its appeal with to much squabling amongst the members.
I believe you have spent to much time online...but we are all glad that you have and it is good to see you back posting again!

35% is a high number, you must mean of all mod posts?

PS Thanks for the T3 upgrade. With that this bbs will regain its popularity. How much, if you don't mind me asking, is that costing?
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I have other endevors online that make me money, so the cost to pwi is not really and issue. about 850.00, I have three 130 meg servers. the one pwi on is about 30 meg capacity so its running smooth now. we were on airband,, they where good while it lasted, only in the last few months while they were shutting down it got really bad. That was a bout 250.00 and was just alittle more than a t-1.
So can you tell us about you other online "endeavors" so we can visit and see your handywork?