Silent Killer gets Al-Qaeda

I was reading the news when I came across this and I for one will DANCE FOR JOY on their GRAVES. It seems At least 40 al-Qaeda fanatics died horribly after being struck down with the disease that devastated Europe in the Middle Ages, it's called the Black Death, GOD is not onTHEIR SIDE.

I wonder if the CIA had anything to do with it? ;) There is HOPE after all.

Man I hope this is true.
As a member of the American Legion, Post 105, I obviously support our troops and have the pleasure of meeting these fine men and women as they return home.

The (liberal) news media outlets want you to think that our efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan are for nothing. The 100's men and women that I have met personally, some have been in country for 4 tours, tell exactly the opposite story.
Here is one video that a Veteran made available to me recently. The insurgents days are numbered, these insurgents days are over.
Im in Iraq now, and I talk to soldiers everyday, in the mess hall, volleyball court, gym, etc...This is my second time here (both as a civilian), and I have NEVER had even 1 soldier say anything even resembling what your hear in the media. We've never had troops re-enlist while in a war theater in the numbers we do now. I talk to guys who have 50% of their hair/scalp burned off due to IED attacks, and they volunteered to come back.

I get so pissed when I watch the news and the politicians who say such negative and ignorant things, and they've never been here and talked to the real soldiers on the ground.
When the news interviews families that talk about losing their son in the war, they always mention that their son wanted to join, wanted to go there and would die for their country to protect their loved ones.

You have to watch out for the media, they can say almost anything they want and some people will believe it all as if everything they say is true.

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That Video shows just what the mind set is of the people over there, I for one am glad I don't live like that or live over there.

They have a lot of history of war for thousands of years and after all this time the country I bet has not changed a whole lot from the looks of that video.
My daughter and son-in-law are both active duty Air Force with an 8 month old daughter and still, neither of them objects to their impending deployment. Our troops know what needs to be done. Scares the crap out of me, the thought of my daughter there but I support her decisions and am proud to call her mine.
