Should we lock down and protect our member list from others?

Protect what,have I got something worth protecting here,now I know I'm going to have to get glasses...give me hint what we got worth protecting as in needing a lock for.....SO ya'll been holen out on me hmmmm.
I don't think its a good Idea to lock down the member list for alot of reasons.

Any member should have access to who the other members are. Thats what a club,union,or any other group should always have access to. You never know when you might need the help from a certain member and you can find where to locate them.

To hide the member list means something is not on the up an up.

All members should have access to each other AT ALL TIMES.

If someone on the outside is trying to get the member list for any reason who cares. Its a free country.If this was a paid site then then I could see altering certain rules. But basically it should still be somewhat the same the only difference being that all members paid so for someone to get access to the member list it would cost a couple of bucks to be a member first.

SO I would keep the list open for all members to view and if a couple of bad apples have bad intentions thats there problem. We will do fine regardless.