Should we close the BBS so people have to join????????????????

I do not believe in fudging the numbers, I feel being honest is the only way to be.

Sure I would like to see everyone join, but forcing them to will only do two things, they will join either under their real name or make one up so we still don't know who they are.

We have that now so what would you gain?

Best thing I see is find a way to have all people join and truthfully say who they are and where they are.
Ditto what Jon said. Keep this bb true and honest. Don't succumb to the negative things that other bbs may be doing. Its just not worth it.

Possibly maybe one day everyone should have like a picture ID to be a member so everytime they post we can see there face. That might be a good qualification down the road to be a member.

AS for changing anything I would keep this bb as is.
How about opening a thread for all to see on how they would try to attract new members. And whoever has he best Idea in the end would win some kind of prize. The winner would be picked by the moderators.

Maybe start the thread as "If You started a new bb how would you attract new members" The person who answers this with the best responce as voted on by the moderators will win......
Does it matter? By closing, does it mean you need to fill out information before you are permitted to post? I guess it is not a bad Idea to know who is out there.

Ron, you are the leader. You are doing a great job running this board - you would know better than I.

Have a good day - Tim
Tim it is us Moderators who run this board, Ron only provided the board and set up the forums for us.

Even then we can vote a forum out or added and I am sure Mr. Ron will check out our wishes and ask us to give more details why we would want one forum shut down or added.

you have some good ideas,have your site avaible to everyone but in order to get into certain boards you would have to register,no need in the DIY homeowner knowing trade secrets and inside information also agree with Jon I like to know who I am talking to. members would have access to all forums but guests would be limited to certain areas,if a homeowner has a question thay will just want to ask it in an "ask a pro " thread, I don't think thay would go thru the trouble to register. another thing that clean county brought up was pics under name for those registered ,I think that also is a good idea. what ever you do Keep it honest.
Hey somebody likes my picture Idea. My Idea and still I haven't posted a picture of myself or my rig. I need to get off my xxx.

I have the following pictures in my digital camara and I haven't posted them, Initially because of laziness and now because for whatever reason my CD rom is not working to accept my Camara CD that I need to download so the camara functions work on my computer. The Pictures are of my Truck and rig situp, The inside of my trailer and the lift I used taking my PW off the Truck.

These are some good pictures that others can get Ideas from. I'm waiting for a friend to come over to fix my CD rom hardrive or whatever you call it so I can put these picures on this bb.
in my opinion

the thing i wish that could be done is that there was a special search just for contractors to get to the point. I enjoy looking at all the posts but meny get off track of the subject they were intended for. The search button will take you to any post that mentions the word your looking for but may have nothing to do with it. It is very hard[long] to get the info your looking for.
I wish you could look under truck wash and get a list of types,mfg,web address,rateing,applacation,cost,ect..
same for equipment and other chems.
The chems. and proper useage are the key to this biz. and would not want this hard earned and costly list going out to everyone. Consumers report for the washing industry[thats what i want from a site,one i would be willing to pay money for] Why is there no contractor rateing on equipment? Thats what i want. Its like buying a used car. I want to know where you got it,how much you paid,how the CO. was with service,likes, dislikes, i said a consumers report of products not a $5 newspaper of ADS and reprints of this BB.
If you want a thousand hits on this site just put in a used equipment section,list it on ebay and have a link to this site, but that wont help anyone here because they are takers not givers[most cases]
So if this was a place just for contractors it would'nt survive but a place on this board JUST for contractors with certian info would be nice.
How about a consumer reports section? multiable choice type and a comments box.
Yes, I think you should close the board. It is not "fudging the numbers". What it does, is allows you to have record of the email address of each person that visits, that way, two months from now after they have forgotten about the site, you can send them an email and invite them back............that will overall improve the board.

My opinion.
I agree about the e-mail Mike and thats a good point. the fudging the numbers thing I cant agree with that one. We already see thats happening elsewhere.

The pure number of post we get compared to acme BBS is much greater and our numbers are 3 times less.

Anyway i think that maybe some areas should be lock down from the general Public that way if contractors are really interested they will join the BBS. if people dont want to participate in converstion thats ok.

I like the idea of the freedom and the idea that others are watching this BBS.

thanks for all the comments,, and keep them coming!!!!!!
As in one of the other bbs's there are seperate forums for the diy and the contractor. I would like to see the bulletin board remain as is, but all things change and some change for the better. This deserves some serious thinking.



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    animated eagle.gif
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Ron, I think you should be looking at it from an exclusivity point. If there was a site where all the power washing contractors knew they could get great info, be part of a wonderful community and the members were screened to the extent that we weren't having to deal with morons like King Artie bad mouthing everybody, the site would be the place to be. Make it a requirement that everybody put their picture up next to their name and make them fill in every part of the profile screen. You could still have one or two sections open to the public, but make it predominately private so power washers know they can post things that only the rest of us in their community will see and be able to respond to. You might be surprised how popular the board might become if all the sudden you've got guys boasting about how they are a "member" or "senior member" of You could call the new guys some name like "rookie" or something until they've posted a certain number of messages to be moved to "member". You could even have a 1 year and under status for new guys in business so the rest of us could identify them and try and help them out whenever we could. When they finish that first year we can all make a big deal out of it and get them pumped-up for their next year. Maybe place a notation under each members name with the number of years they've been in business. I know seeing the number "18" next to yours would make all the rookies think you were like the grand poobah of power washers... :)

Ahh, young grasshopper, diesel burns hotter than kerosene and you would be wise to pull the trigger gently so as not to splinter the wood, that is the way of the jedi power washer...
