Should we allow advertisers?

Should we allow advertisers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 41.0%
  • No

    Votes: 14 35.9%
  • Should we accept products that can be distributed amongst the Membership?

    Votes: 9 23.1%

  • Total voters
This is a good board and a busy board. If advertising is allowed it's gonna get a whole lot busier, and that's probably ok. It wouldn't bother me to allow it and it would help the new people who are coming here for product and equipment info.
I believe all advertising should be limited to the specified forums and not be in the main contracting areas.

I see nothing wrong with banner ads, if that's what you mean, but if you mean posts, keep them in the forums where folks go when looking for products. Why? People get hit with enough spam and advertising as it is.

I agree, beth thats the main job for the moderator. Keeping the distributors from making ads in the wrong places.

i guess i should have been more specific. i'm actually asking about generating the dollars for banner ads. i personally dont like the control that sponsors feel they need. i also dont want it to interfear with the contractors.
If the goal is to generate money to make this bb even a greater site than it already is then I see nothing wrong with it. Money means power. Always did and always will.

JUst don't lose control of this bb to the advertisers who have the bucks. If there willing to play by your rules then Money is a good thing for this bb. Just think how far you could go. The sky would be the limit. Good luck Ron in whatever choice you or the other moderators make. For me I say go for it.
What if the dollars earned on the ads were to go towards the round table meetings or something? Just an idea.
One of the beauties of money is how to spend it. Put it towards the round table discussions or any other positive avenue that we can think off.

The first thing that any money should go for would be to pay any cost that Ron incures running this bb. As nice as a person as Ron is he shouldn't have to pay out of his own pocket to keep this bb up and running even if it is only $25/month. We all gain from this bb and if Ron could get advertising money to at least pay for this bb then that would be great.

After that its bread and butter money. Maybe we can have an account were the money is deposited and we can all decide on what to do with it. Very similiar to way a union runs. Have a president(Ron) a Secretary(Amanda Meyer) and a Treasurer(Bigboy...Ah scratch that Idea he's from Clinton Country lol) and of course Trustees which would be us Moderators.

Or of course Ron could just Pocket the Money because he owns the Board which I feel he wouldn't do.

There are so many Idea's once you bring money in the picture. I'm sure anyone here could add to this. All thoughts as always are appreciated.
Voted yes, but I think we will need a lot more information/discussion/planning before a final decision can be made.

1. What control will be lost to the advertisers? Will we still enjoy the same level of "freedom of speech" for or against any product?

2. Where will the ads show up? Banner ad at the top? Pop ups (which are really annoying) or individual ads under a seperate advertising section?

maybe even have a search function for "equipment and product locator" with different catagories. Companies can run ads there and contractors and customer's can review products and send for information. Type in the name of the product or search from table of contents.

Thoughts? i way off?

advertiser would have no say in what products are discussed. this bbs will remain the only place on the web we can freely express ideas and discuss anything that come to our minds.

we have experienced distributors that dont like our format. ones that where here in the begining and no ahve decided that they cannot stay due to something or another.

if and advertisers needs protection then they do not in my opinion have good products.

Beth, i like your idea about the round table meetings. although I want to keep the round table meeting with a simple concept that we will all pay our own way. if other want to contribute more then they can. now if your talking about marketing dollars i want volinteers in that spectrum as well. i wont rule your idea out we may need to do something like that.

about the funds raised if we try to raise any? all funds will go into the bbs and distributed back out to the membership. I will not gain anything personally off these members. those are not and never where my intentions.

just so everyone is clear.......i will continue to pay for the BBS as long as i can do so. if i cant for some reason i will donate the site to someone who can. ( or we can vote it for someone to take care of)
I'm lost on your remark of all funds will go into the bbs and ditributed back to the members. Another words if a sponsor pays you x amount of dollars to advertise here, then you are going to give out the money to all of us? Why would you do that?

Would you be willing to post the deal as far as monetary value the advertisers are paying to advertise here. I don't know if that is a good idea but how else would we know as to how much goes back to this site.

Why wouldn't you use any money that this site generates to at least pay for this bb so it more or less self generates money to keep it afloat without costing anyone anything?

If you are going to keep paying to keep this bb fully operational as you say then I'm lost as to what you plan on doing with the money as I stated above. Could you clarify it a little bit more clearly for me if possible(My brain is not working on all cylinders today due to lack of sleep)
Basically i have no real means to make money with this site ever. its a non-profit site.

if the site ever generates money it will be paid back to its members who work hard to make it the best site around. John are you on the moderators mailing list. have your missed the products that have been given? most moderator have already gotten some form of a gift if they where on the list.
i couldnt send it to you if you did not give me your address. it was posted in the mods sections.

the site makes no money and if it does it will be given to the members. this BB is owned by its members. Period

i have countless offers for products people want to give to me. i have slowed that down because i dont have the time to handle it all.

I need help!!!!!
Banner ads in specific forums would be nice to have. Instead of looking up links in other www areas, it would be nice to click on the banner and go to the site. Would save some time. The advertising moderator might be getting into a headache, but it may prove beneficial to all.

I remember filling out the moderators mailing list awhile ago. I did recieve the o-rings that time when I guessed who's computer it was on one of your post. Thats it.

If there was anything sent out to the moderators I never got it. It doesn't matter either way. I enjoy this site regardless.

I support whatever desicion is made about advertising. I was just under the impression whenever someone wants to advertise they more or less had to pay. I wasn't aware that advertising is done for free on a bb.

If there ever is money to go around then just take my share and put it towards keeping this bb the best out there. (If your talking Thousand of $$$ then will talk. lol)
About the "Spotlight"... Maybe let advertisers (PW'ing specific, not someone telling me how much better I could satisfy my wife) get on a list. Then once a month let an advertiser spotlight one of his new products. It could be the product of the month. Then, have a drawing and the winner gets the product. But in return, must use it, evaluate it and give the results. And, since this is not a vendor supported board, our evaluations could be un-biased and if we thought it was a piece of junk, then we can say it was a piece of junk.

Anyone in the handy man trade has heard of the "Handy Man Club" they do the same thing in their monthly magazines. One member gets a new..... um.... belt sander from B&D. He tests it, rates it, then gets to keep it.

Oh, and by the way... I'd really like to test a 8gpm GP pump! I promise to give a biased opinion!
As long as the ad doesnt take over the site. Fox has gotten terrible. If you try to look at a series of photos, the page will refresh after about 5 photos just so it can "refresh" the ad.

And please no flashing neon colors or dancing robots.

Oh yea, and no Old Guys from Country wide mortage, they really are annoying!

Personally I would be willing to donate my share as long as others do the same to keep this BB an "ad free resource" that doesn't get as cluttered as other sites.

That is the ONLY reason I really joined other than the obvious, networking, new information to be better at what we do, learning from others viewpoints, etc.

And, by keeping the SPONSORS out of the LOOP it keeps the honest, hard working good people of this board honest and true to the original vision which is as I see it is to provide an OPEN forum of FREE SPEECH and UNCOLORED viewpoints, insights.

An unbiased community of free thinkers in an industry that is or at least has been in the past, a little like the wild, wild west which is what I know to be true about this great and growing resource.

By joining forces to ALWAYS keep this a FREE UNBIASED BB for the Contract Cleaner we keep growing and evolving and not allowing ourselves to get stuck in a rut of advertising mediocrity.

Ron, I have watched on the sidelines for a long time before deciding to join and be a member and I admire you, your integrity and courage to keep this site clean and for always asking the members before making big decisions regarding this BB. Do you really need the big fish in this little pond?

Just keep doing what your doing bro.

And for the record, GOOD JOB!

Just my .02 cents.
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