Shell Gas Station Car Wash


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y husband went through the car wash at Shell Gas Station at 2000 block Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada in November. The dryer at the end started shooting some kind of flakes of crap at his car (it's only 2 years old and he babies it).

He was ticked, he went inside and got the attendent, she came out and looked and asked him to go through again, which he did. It happened again! Now he's taking pictures and wants to know what they are going to do as this stuff looks like it's scratching his car. Well she makes him go to another Shell for a wash and it came out clean. He then went back and went over the car again with her. There are very small little chips and scratches taken out of the hood, roof and trunk.

Anyways, she tells him that she will place an incident report and there is nothing more that she can do. He has no choice but to accept this.

A couple weeks go by and the car is assessed for damages of about 400$ to fix. The Shell insurance company is not returning his calls just as he figured would happen. Finally he reaches the guy, and they will not approve his claim even though he has pics. The service company for the gas station put a white van through with no damage. So even though she saw what had happened they won't cover it.

I was in there a week later and spoke with her, all she will now say (and it was hard to get her to say it) is that she did see it but that she did not see it before it went in. Hello!! She made him go through a second time and it happened again!!

Very dissapointed in a large corporation like that, we will never go back to Shell again. This is horrible that they will not own up to their responsibility.

As for that girl, she's lucky she was old, the way she was talking and avoiding the issue had me so agitated I almost put my fist where her nose was! I was really nice at first, and I am not a violent person. I am still getting mad about it!

He should just stick to washing his own car from now on!
Would we skirt responsibility like that???
The Heck with that.. Before I moved my car , after the carwash scratched it I would have called the police and filed an accident report.. Then Get a lawyer and sue for wasted time, money , mental anguish over the car scratchs, plus actual damages to the vehicle , and then when it was repaired , make them resprayer the car claiming the paint didnt match.. LOL... You got to ask yourself " what would everybody else do ????
Try to talk to the news station and explain what happened and show them the pictures and have them talk to the person that was working that nite.

Companies don't like bad publicity just like most everyone else.

With the news report on TV, their sales might go down, they might get a lot of calls and most important, more people might stop using the car wash.

They started doing this about 10 years ago on 2 of the local stations when you have a problem with a company they will investigate and put the issue on tv and will check back every so often.

I would have stayed there and called the police and had a report done and tried to have the General Manager come out that nite if it was possible to see what was going on.

It is like they say, the squeaky wheels get the grease, they will try to stop this if it means bad publicity on tv.

Good Luck.
Like others have said you should have protested more at time of incident with management and called the police and filed a report. Sounds like now you are going to end up with zip. I would give Chris's idea a try.
My husband was raising a rucus, he just knew that if he left he was going to get screwed. I'm the one who told him to settle down and follow their procedures.:blush:

Stuff happens and you would expect that with the girl having seen it that it was a no brainer. I am completely to blame here, I am far to trusting in the honor of other people.

Chris, I thought about calling our local area paper about it, I also considered making a Facebook page :) Lol. The holidays and two rounds of the flu through the whole house before Christmas took the wind out of my sails though.

I personally didn't get really mad until that little witch at the store ticked me off. I was really nice about it in the beginning, and just went in to make sure her story was the same as his for when we went to autopac. It was her attitude that finished me off. Once I started getting agitated she asked me not to speak to loudly about it as she didn't want the other customers to hear. Well, i was glad that she let me know what she didn't want :D I made sure that everyone in the store could hear my thoughts on why they should hear what I had to say! Very politely of course.
I am skilled at very politely telling people off, I am very effective. I don't normally do it unless I am bypassing angry and on my way to "I'm going to kick your Ace".
he went in again! why?
Call the local news media.Have them meet you at or across the street from the station where it happened.Have you pics,date it happened etc.Tell your story calmly about how big business is taking advantage of the little guy.Be sure to write Shell a certified letter asking for resolution before hand and have all correspondence to them and from them with you when you meet the news channel.
You would be surprised how fast Corps want to fix a problem when the news media gets on the side of a consumer.
Im sure they probably washed more than one car that day, so if you can find others it might help your cause. Also email Shell, most gas stations are privately owned and Shell just sells them gas and always want to know how there sites handle there customer complaints.
Ditto what Advanced said. I would get a hold of the regional manager for Shell, not the gas station. There is someone at Shell that supervises the gas stations, to make sure they don't give them a bad name. That is the guy you want, because he can, and will, make the station owners miserable.
Try to talk to the news station and explain what happened and show them the pictures and have them talk to the person that was working that nite.

Companies don't like bad publicity just like most everyone else.

With the news report on TV, their sales might go down, they might get a lot of calls and most important, more people might stop using the car wash.

They started doing this about 10 years ago on 2 of the local stations when you have a problem with a company they will investigate and put the issue on tv and will check back every so often.

I would have stayed there and called the police and had a report done and tried to have the General Manager come out that nite if it was possible to see what was going on.

It is like they say, the squeaky wheels get the grease, they will try to stop this if it means bad publicity on tv.

Good Luck.

Not the newspaper, not everyone reads that, I said the TV STATION.

Chances are they might have done this before to help out the little guy and chances are they might be looking for a story, something that can be followed up on and dragged out for a long time until maybe something is done.

Good Luck.
Picketing is a highly effective way of getting the message out. It tends to draw the media as well. You have the right to protest outside their business on the sidewalk. Make some large , TRUTHFUL signs and have your pictures printed out to show anybody who stops by to ask what happened. Get as many people as you can to show up and hold a sign, the more people, the more it gets noticed.
It should not take to long too see some results.
Bank of America gave Chris a counterfeit $100.00 bill. It was confiscated and he spent two hours being questioned by the cops.

The bank told him he should have checked the bill before he left. I told the banker he should have checked it before the customer who gave it to him left.


10 minutes on the sidewalk in front of the bank with a bullhorn and the banker gave him his $100.00.

Get a bullhorn - $25.00 at harbor freight.