ServiceCEO software


New member
I would like feedback from anyone using or is familiar with ServiceCEO software by Insight Direct. Any info would be appreciated.
I want to keep up w/ clients and their accounts and also be able to schedule the services they are using.
I have been using a program called Easy Route for 7 years and would not trade it for anything. Give me a call or call Max at Easy Route 1800-468-3024
Dont know if this is any consilation, but I looked at the Service CEO program and thought that it was great! We were actually going to purchase it this spring - once we get 3 crews running, but with only 1 rig out, it is pointless to use it. IT is an expensive program, but it links to quickbooks so its worth it to me. ;)
I use Quick Book and you don't need the link-call Easy Route-will save lots of money and time.
It is the only way to go-would not have it any other way-try it talk to Max and see what I am talking about. Give me a call.
Yes, Easy Route is DOS. A few years ago, I gave it a look, but I too could not overcome the lack of windows......

Although it may be effective, it worried me that any company would continue to market a product based on DOS in this day and age. I'm sure it is a very effective product, since I know David S. wouldn't tolerate it otherwise.

Of course, in the end, you need to decide for yourself. ServiceCEO has many many advanced features that could benefit your company, but then again, they may not. You need to take a close look at what you need it to do today, tomorrow, and in the coming years and make your own decision.

I purchased ServiceCEO a few years ago, but never fully implemented it since I scaled back my business shortly after that. I intend on using it in a future business endeavor.

What impressed me the most about the product was Insight Direct's obvious committment to improving the software. Every time they took on a new large client, they would develop new features for that specific client. Shortly after they would release those improvements in an update for all of the users to enjoy. I watched the product evolve over the course of at least two years, and when I was ready.......I gladly jumped on board.

There are many impressive functions in CEO, but my favorites are the Dispatch Board, and MapPoint integration.

If you choose to go with a program such as EasyRoute, I'd do some research first to plan an "escape route" for your business should the software fail or no longer be supported. What would you do if your business relied on this software, then all of a sudden it didnt function anymore? Would you have the time it would take to re-enter your data into another program and learn another program? Not likely.

I would call Insight Direct and tell them you are an EasyRoute Plus user that wants to transfer to ServiceCEO. Find out if they have the ability to pull all of your information out of that program and insert it in CEO. They probably do. Assuming they do, then you would have less to lose by going with EasyRoute.

I was still in grade school when most programs got away from running in DOS. Putting the functionality of the software aside, EasyRoute doesn't project an image that makes me comfortable putting the future success of my business in their hands. Neither their website nor their program's interface look professional in my opinion. I remember feeling that way years ago, and I think the same thing as I look at it right now and nothing has changed.......

Good luck to you!
I looked at ServiceCEO's website and I like what I saw. I couldn't find any prices though. Anyone know what kind of pricing I'd be looking at for a single user liscense?
Hey Joel- They told me $995......OUCH, bend me over. It seems like there has to be somthing cheaper, but afterall I paid $546.00 for quickbooks and I still use it to this day and it has paid for itself time and again. Your right, it seems like a great program....but it is extremely pricy
Hey Joel- They told me $995......OUCH, bend me over. It seems like there has to be somthing cheaper, but afterall I paid $546.00 for quickbooks and I still use it to this day and it has paid for itself time and again. Your right, it seems like a great program....but it is extremely pricy

I dont know what their current pricing structure is, but I know I paid considerably more then that. There is no comparison between what Quickbooks does and what CEO does.

ServiceCEO has enough labor saving features that for the right business, it would save you more $$ in office staff labor then you could imagine. For a one man show, it will be less beneficial, depending on the organization skills of that individual.
I have been using Easy Route for better than 10 years and it will do the job without the high price and all the baggage of Windows. The program is like an empty glass. You must first decide what you want and then fill the glass with your data. After the data is in the system you can work it any way you wish.

The program is very fast and once you get the hang of it you will pick it every time over a mouse driven Windows. I have no connection with the program other than I am a very happy user. Just don’t download it and dismiss it as crap just work with it-give me a call.