Say bye to my laptop...

Scott Stone

New member
We promised the laptop that I use to surf the Internet to a kid that we know if he graduated from high school. Well, he did it, so it is gone. I decided I might like an iPad. So, my wife was out of town last week and came home bearing gifts...I got an iPad. Fornsurfing the Internet in my easy chair, it is not too bad. I am having to learn to type again, because I cannot type nearly as fast as i did before, I was about 75 words a minute, but, it is something new to learn..
Nice gesture Scott!!

I got to see an iPad the other day at Best Buy. Those things are tiny! I am in the market for a new laptop simply because all my USB ports are shot. I use my personal laptop when we go to the shows so it has gotten some wear and tear on it. I was told it would be about $250 to fix the ports but they have a new one there for $400 that I have my eye on too though..
This kids education has cost me a small fortune, but, he is the first one EVER in his family to graduate from High School. I hope to break the poverty cycle his family is in.
What is forn? :rolleyes: :drag:
That is a case of fat fingers and the n being by the space bar. Harder to tell when it is a touch screen.
I thought you were openly admiting to surfing forn.
Nope, i am not the desperate. Forn is only for people that are into certain socially unacceptable activities. I am far too straight laced to do anything that socially unacceptable.
Nice job helping that young man. You would make a good mason.
Nope, i am not the desperate. Forn is only for people that are into certain socially unacceptable activities. I am far too straight laced to do anything that socially unacceptable.

Best keep your "Forning" in Mesa...:thank_you2:
Nice gesture Scott!!

I got to see an iPad the other day at Best Buy. Those things are tiny! I am in the market for a new laptop simply because all my USB ports are shot. I use my personal laptop when we go to the shows so it has gotten some wear and tear on it. I was told it would be about $250 to fix the ports but they have a new one there for $400 that I have my eye on too though..

Whats a USB port? When you start using apple you dont need to mess with that. My pictures go online when I take them. USB port, Whats that?????

LOL, serious Nic...when you have experienced apple fully you will understand, there will never be a need for that old technology.