San Diego is COOL!

Tony Shelton

BS Detector, Esquire
Jerry's event started off great! We had to leave a little early to get back to my daughter's choir recital for the Clark County Children's Choir. It was worth the early drive back to see her face as the months of practice and going through cuts and solo's paid off.

Here are some random, sometimes funny San diego moments:

San Diego is a beautiful place, this is the top of mount Soledad where you can see the entire city. Kory's aunt was nice enough to give us a tour:

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This is seal beach. Ironically we noticed that storm drains empty right onto this beach, yet is is clean as a whistle in spite of the fact that rain washes the oils and other stuff off the beach....hmmm. looks like mother nature does a good job of keeping itself clean when pollution is reduced by professionals like us!

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When going to these events, our minds are always on our work. You might have to turn up the volume for this one, as Kory reveals a little more about his personality than we wanted to know:

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Here, Matt reveals his true love for the art we call pressure cleaning as he explains what drives him to come to all these events:

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Here's Jerry along with his beautiful wife an daughter. What a lucky man. He gets to live in a beautiful city with these two beautiful ladies. He deserves it, Jerry is a credit to our industry and is a good representative of what we have to offer our communities.


Jerry led us to an awesome restaurant on the beach where the sun set right behind us as we talked:


Ron treated us to some great seafood at a restaurant after our tour of the USS Midway. Kory must be the NCE treasurer. He had this look on his face when he saw the menu pricing..... Just joking:


Touring the Midway. Here I am next to a cardboard cutout of a guy wearing the same uniform I used to wear on the USS Carl Vinson. Ironically, for the first time since I was in the Navy I'm within 15 lbs of what I weighed when I first got on the ship!


Shelly and I finally got a real California sunset. On your honeymoon years ago we started in Monterrey in the afternoon and drove all the way up to Morro??? beach North of San Francisco tracking the sun trying to find a place where we could actually see a Pacific ocean sunset. When we got there, there was some kind of weird optical allusion and the sun actually set before it got to the water. Even later when we used to take the boat to Catalina we were afraid to be on the Pacific side with it after dark so we never saw the sun set into the water. Well, here we are about 15 years later with an actual Pacific ocean sunset!


Here's Matt Norman and his lovely wi..... girlfriend.....Brenda. Keep working him Brenda, he doesn't know what he's missing! Married life is Great!


We were joined by a powerwasher I just met named Tony from Spokane Washington. Tony was a real good guy who hung out with us and saw how the trailertrash side of powerwashing lives. Here's Tony on the right hand side:


This is the way to travel - with my very best friend for the past 15 years. It's great to have a wife that is so much more than you deserve.


After dinner Thursday Ron, Kory, his aunt, Tony, Matt, Brenda, Shelly and I went to pretend like we were kids again and hang out on the beach at a bonfire where there was an eclectic group that ranged from teenagers, to adults from surfers to the homeless. Shelly made a new friend. (He kindof looks like Josh Brodin. Just goes to show you that it's only a small set of circumstances that separates one from movie star to homeless.


But, we had to cut it all short to get back to this, there's Fayth in the middle front right behind the music stand. Ron gave us some good advice. We were going to give Fayth the option to go with us to San Diego, (which she probably would have done) but Ron said we should encourage her to "finish what she starts" and go through with the recital. It was good advice. That's why I like to surround myself with guys who can give me good advice!


Thanks again Jerry! While these events are great for networking and learning about our industry they also provide a much needed outlet for relaxation. To miss out on something like this simply because you don't like someone who is going to be there just punishes you and is plain silly!

I love industry events!
I forgot about this one. This was to remind me how much fun I was missing by being the designated driver! Between trying to keep the teenagers from picking ron's wad of hundreds out of his pocket and making sure the homeless guy wasn't trying to cop a feel everytime Shelly wasn't looking, I had my hands full being the security guard!

Great pics and video Tony. Looks like I missed another great event. :(
Thank alot Larry! You screwed us both - I had to be the designated driver because YOU didn't show up!!!! I wish you could have been there Larry! Come out to Phoenix later this year!

LMAO... Sorry B'out that Tony. My plan right now is to not miss the Florida and the Phoenix events this year. Just got a lot going on right now with work and the fact that we are moving at the end of May. We finally got a house. Yea!!!! Don't worry, you will definitely see me before the end of the year. Maybe even more than once. :yes:
We plan to be in Tampa too. I don't know if we'll be able to re-create the awesome time we had last year but this time I'm bringing Shelly to see if we can top it!

Is there anybody interested in a presentation showing how the CWA is set up and the authority of the EPA including it's bounderies? There seems to be a lot of confusion as to what the EPA can and can't do. There's also a lot of BS about what the CWA actually says.

I might be able to throw together a 1 hr presentation that can help get everyone on the same page so the local authorities can't pull any illegal BS without at least some resistance from an educated power washing community.
That's a good idea tony. You were very informative on the subject. I can't imagine how long the hour presentation will take after seeing how long your 30 second one took

That remark reminds me..... I found a better picture of you from our trip. It would make a good avatar pic!


I tried to make it short but people started asking questions and I wasn't prepared for that.

It sure was great hanging out with you. This industry needs young guys like you to keep things going after all us old geezers retire!
San Diego is a great town, looks like a good time had by all. Tony your face looks thin, good for you!

I'm starting working out on Monday, Dr says it's ok now and the Neurologist has completely released me from care.

I didn't gain a pound on the trip! I finally think I've got a handle on my eating. The "secret" about losing weight is realizing what you're putting in. Until I had this little smartphone program I had no way of knowing when out on the go.

I'm comfortable with the AMOUNT of food I take in now (about 1550 calories). But when I start working out I'm going to increase to about 2400kcal but not be eating more. I'm going to switch from low calorie to high calorie items like more nuts, good oils and fats like avocados and more olive oil in cooking.

I think we just eat too much as Americans and our relatives don't help matters by trying to encourage us to eat EAT EAT!
Tony, I forgot that since you are new here you need to post up your phone number on your sig to make it convenient for the 6 guys sitting at home with no work to do to carry out their assigned task of explaining what a bad man Ron is. Just tall nicely to tham and say uh hmm a lot so they think their numbers are still growing ;)
I'm starting working out on Monday, Dr says it's ok now and the Neurologist has completely released me from care.

I didn't gain a pound on the trip! I finally think I've got a handle on my eating. The "secret" about losing weight is realizing what you're putting in. Until I had this little smartphone program I had no way of knowing when out on the go.

I'm comfortable with the AMOUNT of food I take in now (about 1550 calories). But when I start working out I'm going to increase to about 2400kcal but not be eating more. I'm going to switch from low calorie to high calorie items like more nuts, good oils and fats like avocados and more olive oil in cooking.

I think we just eat too much as Americans and our relatives don't help matters by trying to encourage us to eat EAT EAT!

Tony when I grow up I want to be like you....

Looks like y'all had a great time!
You guys were awesome great classroom interaction from all looking forward to phoenix latter on this year.
Sounds like a great idea about the EPA B.S. class Tony.