Rust on Slate/concrete


New member
Is there an easy way to determine if this is slate or concrete? I have only washed asphalt shingles and not sure what to do on this one.

I normally use apple sauce on shingles, should I use the same roof mix?

Also, what should I use to work on the rust streaks?

This is new for me so thanks for all your help.


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I have to admit you got me on that one and I clean alot of Roofs. Definitly doesn't look like tile or Slate to me. Way to thin. I think its about time fo a new roof. :confused:
Looks too uniform for slate.

Explain that you need to do a small test area with a pump sprayer in an area that doesn't show much in order to price it. I'd treat the iron with the same stuff used for concrete. Under promise then over deliver.
Whatever it is it looks like it has some type of failing sealer on it. Hmmm no tabs, maybe asbestos roof shingles?
Thanks for the response. I will post some more pictures tomorrow when I get back by. The house "faces" 2 streets so it is identical on the front and back. I will have to take a ladder to get close enough for a good pic.

On the front (or back) the "tile" looks chipped all along the bottom edge. The gutters have been removed from the house at some point (some of the downspouts are still attached) so maybe they were damaged then.

According to the lady that owns the house, the roof was replaced less than 10 years ago but she doesn't know the material is. She said they just replaced what was there before and she thought it was slate.

A tree trimmer was looking at the trees and I asked him what he thought it was. His response," In all my 78 years of living, I have never seen a material that looked like that. May be asbestos tile!!"

I will try a test spot and see what happens. Straight 12% or apple sauce?

Oxalic should work on the rust, do it after the hypo and after a rinse. Otherwise the hypo will weaken the oxalic. On a steep roof like that you want your products to be working fast. May take more than one application of the oxalic to get desired results, gonna want to run off before it can work. Not sure what you can add to acid mix to thicken it.

Thanks John and Jeff....

Tree trimmer said the same thing about asbestos...

It does appear to have a sealer on it that has blistered and starting peeling. I did not have a ladder with me but I will tomorrow.

Do you think it could be algae that has dried and started cracking??
Yes, I've seen algae start peeling up like paint. Really need to get up close and have a look at it. Just take a small bottle of hypo up the ladder with you to determine if you're dealing with algae or other. If it's algae, a healthy dose of hypo poured onto it should be telling. I'm not an expert in the roofing trade, but man, it almost looks like a metal considering how thin it is. Never seen any other roofing materials that thin. I'll be curious to hear what it is.

Yes, I've seen algae start peeling up like paint. Really need to get up close and have a look at it. Just take a small bottle of hypo up the ladder with you to determine if you're dealing with algae or other. If it's algae, a healthy dose of hypo poured onto it should be telling. I'm not an expert in the roofing trade, but man, it almost looks like a metal considering how thin it is. Never seen any other roofing materials that thin. I'll be curious to hear what it is.

Mee too!
That looks a lot like the slate roof I cleaned last year when I first got the bucket truck here from New York.

I have seen several kinds of slate, some thin, some that had rough, chipped or broken edges and some that look a little thicker.

There is a roof here that is slate but the slate is kind of odd, it is very brittle and pieces have chipped off but not off the edges but off the top, kind of like layers that come off it that makes sense.

I would do a test with the roof mix and try the SR or OX or other favorite rust remover but be careful around the vent. I would tell the homeowner to have the vent changed out or it will start rusting on her newly cleaned roof.

Good luck.
Thanks everyone for your input. I went back this morning and got on the ladder with some hypo. I also took a retired neighbor who used to build houses to have a look. He confirmed quickly from the ground. Asbestos tile!!

According to him, the asbestos was used because it will last "damn near forever." It also has at least 3 coats of paint on it and a lot of algae growth. At one time, there was a company/product that you could paint on and then apply granules while the paint was wet. This would give you some traction on the roof.

I spoke with the homeowner and advised her of the situation. Simply had to tell her that it was beyond our scope of work and she would need to check with a roofing contractor. I gave her a list of 5 contractors that I know and trust.

She appreciated the information and asked if I would be interested in washing the house, drive and sidewalks after the roof was complete. Gave her the quote and she accepted!!

Didn't turn out too bad and learned a lot about a roof that I don't want to mess with!!