Rules for taking steroids

Greetings everyone!!! I think your opinion might be valuable on a question I'm interested in. What is the right way to take steroids to minimize the risks?
Hi. The proper use of steroids involves several important aspects. First, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and not to exceed the dosage specified in the prescription. It is also important to choose high quality drugs and buy them from reliable suppliers. If you decide to buy injectable steroids, you can do it through to purchase quality products. In addition, you should only take steroids when necessary and under strict medical supervision. It is important to remember that even the proper use of steroids can have side effects, so you should always weigh the pros and cons.
The correct use of steroids is key to minimizing risks. Each person may have his or her own individual characteristics and reactions to drugs, so consultation with a doctor before starting steroids is mandatory.